for the star wars geeks...

UPDATE: Disney announces in an investor conference call after today's announcement that they intend to make more than one new Star Wars movie, beginning with Episode VII in 2015 followed by Episodes VIII and IX "every other year" and then "we'll go from there."

Holy crap, fanboys!

Not only did the news break today that the Walt Disney Company has acquired Lucasfilm Ltd. for $4.05 billion, but the studio press release also announces that a Star Wars: Episode VII feature film is targeted for a 2015 release! Yes, 2015 will give us The Avengers 2, Justice League of America and now a new Star Wars movie!

Also, this deal means Disney also now owns the Indiana Jones franchise as well as effects firm Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound.

Empire is where it's at Bro. That scene where the rebel scout looks through his binoculars and has to zoom out to see all of the AT-AT? Awww yeah.
I like the original and Empire about equally these days. Both are fantastic things of fantasticism.

My pinnacle Star Wars scene is when Luke's family is killed and he's looking at the horizon with the two suns in the background. He becomes a man in mere seconds right in front of the camera, the proverbial shit just got real and such. Glorious!
My pinnacle Star Wars scene is when Luke's family is killed and he's looking at the horizon with the two suns in the background. He becomes a man in mere seconds right in front of the camera, the proverbial shit just got real and such. Glorious!

punctuated by the epic score! glorious indeed! gives me tingly feelings! exclamation!
Am I the only nerdling to have pre-ordered tickets?!? I'm not that much of a Star Wars fan by requisite calculations considered. Simply viewed the originals about 20 yrs ago as a milk sop, and found them to be decent enough. Just want to see some nerdy Sci-Fi bullshit before every inconsiderate pit stain drops spoilers, making the entire endeavor moot.

Got a co-worker (peter pan syndrome) who is taking three days off from this shit hole to take in three showings. Dipshart is also buying a VCR with an hdmi hookup to watch the originals in VHS glory. Oy vey. Where's Triumph when ye need him?
I've always hated star wars. I watched Ep 4-6 when I was 14 and was not impressed. I'm going to rewatch them this weekend, I think. Hopefully I'm just missing something.
The conspiracy theorists say that whole thing was created strictly for more publicity for the film, thus more ticket sales