For those who migrated here from Everdying...

I was also extremely sad to see ED closed down. I don't really feel like paying 30 bucks (45 bucks for us here in Sweden, 'cause of the cost of sending the stuff) for a forum full of people who you cannot insult, haha. Sorry, but if you insult someone, and get perma-banned for it... that just plain out sucks.

I'm gonna join Neverdyers soon, ED was the best IF forum ever, and I will stand by it.

BTW! Plintus, please do keep posting about your "state of mind", I find it extremely enjoyable to read as I seem to share your opinion on some matters. It's also nice to hear a non-biased opinion on the jesterhead.
Well, there gona be plenty of everything, I'm sure :heh:

As of JH - everyone has their perspective, I'd say you need experience that for yourself... The site is cool, tons of information on the eve of ASOP release, but community - that's a different story.

I just wonder what kind of attention there going to be after is up :Smug:
I don't really want to be a dick to the band, but making fans pay money do discuss (read: positive feedback only) the band is pretty gay. I genuinely hope this is not the band members idea but rather some corporate assholes doing. That idea allows me to keep a bit of faith in the band...
I don't really want to be a dick to the band, but making fans pay money do discuss (read: positive feedback only) the band is pretty gay. I genuinely hope this is not the band members idea but rather some corporate assholes doing. That idea allows me to keep a bit of faith in the band...

JH is a PR move.

Another "comes with" :cool:
I thought I would never see this day, but here I am and plintus and ArchY are going at it, with DE4life supporting in the background... and few other names seem familiar, AntiWiggin, sundance........ Everdying Forum... those were the days :)
Haha, I remember this thread :D back in the days when I cared that much about an internet forum... good times, good times.