for you, Angelina


formerly known as Unicorn
Nov 3, 2001
... yeah, I'm kind of off-topic here, but since Angelina and I met in this forum, I hope it's ok. :)

This is for you...
You know, we only know us via internet and maybe I'm stupid to do this, but chating with you is so great and I'm just happy that I found you.
Your words often helped me do deal with problems and you treated them so insightful... it's not common.
So why should my present for you should be common then? I only wrote two songs for people, and that was for sad reasons... This one is because I'm glad you are there, even if we never meet...
Just stay as you are, in my eyes you're wonderful.. my desire, my despair.

My Elegy
luv it's in the air!!! yay damn professional! must be a hit ,really man something with that song! record labels, record labels!!
having this custom made for my gal.....

main stone is a 1 karat....

Thank you Markus, that was very nice of you. The song is lovely.
I'm glad my words were helpful to you... you're not the only one saying that. I've always been told to be a good listener and confident, etc., but I'm a disaster with myself, well, I guess that's kinda common.
And thank you for being so kind to me.

And you guys, come on... there's no love story, he's just being grateful to me for many things we have chatted about, that's all.
I'm going to sleep. I just arrived home and I'm tired. Goodnight guys.
LordDarksoul said:
I wrote a very similar song for Reece, but I got embarrassed and deleted it!:oops:

awww.....dang man...I wanna hear it....

by the way....very cool song unicorn.....I think it is a special thing to be able to express yourself through song....unfortunately all I could do with music was express aggression.....and that gets boring after some years....
Aprilhäxan said:
Looks like that's just one side's opinion :) Great song, it says it all.
Please don't interprete too much (; and don't give too much about the lyrics for which he had a little helper ;)

I also like that song pretty much... like some other ballads he did ... I agree with no_reply, Unicorn should found a solo project and release an album full with his gorgeous lovesongs :loco: that'd be stunning!!!

@Reece: Whow! Not the style that'd fit me, but what an amazingly beautiful ring! <3
Am i allowed to say i think the song was a bit tacky? I support the idea of having Cartman help Unicorn out a little on this song, though.