for you, Angelina

grrrr.....Im trying to post a song here.....of course Im a dummy so I dont know how....I know I need to post it on a site and link it or something but I cant find one that will support the type of file I have....hmmm....Ill try this...

if this does end up working....this is my band from about 10 years ago now....Im playing guitar and my brother is drumming....its kind of sloppy but I thought maybe one or 2 of you would enjoy it...

Soule Corruption-No Tomorrow.

please let me know if this works....or let me know how to do it better...
Deliverance6 said:
grrrr.....Im trying to post a song here.....of course Im a dummy so I dont know how....I know I need to post it on a site and link it or something but I cant find one that will support the type of file I have....hmmm....Ill try this...

if this does end up working....this is my band from about 10 years ago now....Im playing guitar and my brother is drumming....its kind of sloppy but I thought maybe one or 2 of you would enjoy it...

Soule Corruption-No Tomorrow.

please let me know if this works....or let me know how to do it better...

anyone know if this is working?....gimme a hand here would
Deliverance6 said:
grrrr.....Im trying to post a song here.....of course Im a dummy so I dont know how....I know I need to post it on a site and link it or something but I cant find one that will support the type of file I have....hmmm....Ill try this...

if this does end up working....this is my band from about 10 years ago now....Im playing guitar and my brother is drumming....its kind of sloppy but I thought maybe one or 2 of you would enjoy it...

Soule Corruption-No Tomorrow.

please let me know if this works....or let me know how to do it better...

I know this probably wasnt the thread to post this in for people to see it.....but I was hoping more than one person would check this shit out....:erk:
LifeDepraved said:
I got it working. It's really cool too...sounds like it could have went somewhere too.

thanx man.....unfortunately there were a couple of us that had serious drug and alcohol problems.....just when we were about to really get somewhere we just fizzled out....couldnt quite keep it going between jail and getting