Forest of October bass/guitar tab progress?

suislidE said:
sry niel im not really following you on those last two posts.. maybe you are just dead tired and i just got up so.. hmm.

ill take a step back.. the last post i replied "no, not in time" because i meant bar 240 in wanks powertab, not the written tab. Yea that would be tough to guess cause i was pissed and in a hurry at the time (sorry again).

Oh, and yea i would think its pretty possible to tab rythym using just numbers, cause how do you think actual musicians(no offense to anyone) read music? they dont just listen to it and pick it up. Oh, and i dont want to argue this cause its pointless, so dont reply just cause of what i said in this paragraph please.

How far are you wank? Oh, i bet you havent even started yet :)
Aw man, I'm just saying that I'm too lazy to type out rhythm evenly on those tabs, and I'm also too lazy to work with powertab and guitar pro 4 and all of that. That's all. I know what yer saying.

As far as the positioning of the riff in question, it's all the same notes man, and that's how Åkerfeldt plays it, moving from that note on the 4th fret up to the 7th and 9th frets. If you watch Opeth, you'll notice that both Mike and Peter aren't all that "efficient" with saving space on the fretboard, but hey that's how some people play, and they play what they play well.

Anyway, it's all the same notes, and really it's irrelevant cause I know that I can play the song all the way through and I'm sure both of you guys can too!