Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

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Lord Melithor

May metal keep you !
Sep 14, 2005
All i want to do is apologize to you people. I mean come on i said it before and i will say it again I...AM....SORRY! I didnt mean to upset any one and cause a big uproar. I really dont see why you let it get to you so much heck you could have just let it roll off you back, and said ok this guys an ass who cares what he thinks. If you let everything get to you your going to grow old, get angery, grow white hair, and die grumpy. Once again im going try this and once again you all will most likely bad mouth me and curse me and so on. But i dont care im trying to apologize for making you mad and all you do is put me down, but all i want is to hear is a well just as long as it doesnt happen again. Mabey even hey we forgive you but whatch what you say next time ok. I just want to be able to go to progpower next year and not have to worry about some idiot trying to pick a fight with me. I just want you people to realize im trying to apologize and make things ok again and you just wont let me.

Here we go again .... I am sorry for what i said if it offened you sorry if it made you hate me thats cool lets try to make aminds and to everyone i am sorry and thank you for reading this.

Your friend,
Lord Melithor
No. I will hate you forever. We will egg you until Prog-Power XXXV, and then we will keep egging you after that.



:lol: Just kidding. :p
some people are upset because of something i said on the cosset thread and im just trying to apologize but they want to be butts about it when all i want is to apologize whats so bad about that?
Ohh, I completely forgot about the corset thread...

I believe they will forgive you... not 100% sure about now, but eventually they will... I think =)
Nah, MetalRose is going to bring her chain mail next year and thrash you with it for sure. :loco:

Don't worry, it's not a big deal.
Thanks for the apology. I'll cut you some slack because not everybody would have the balls to apologize. The fact that you did (twice) shows me that you're not just some troll out to start a flame war.

As I said in the other thread, welcome to the board.
Here's my opinion on trying to make corset night into some sort of contest, etc.

All of us are into metal, and most of us remember being social outcasts back in high school? Anybody remember that sort of feeling?

Doing this "Who looks better in their corset" reminds me of being 14-15 and being picked last for sports in gym class.

I'm sure nobody enjoys that at all.

I accept your apology, because I think by now you have truly realized what you did.
Look, man. I'll just say it plain as day.

It was a pot shot. A jab at the folks who dressed up for the sake of having fun at a gathering, where these gals don't get to see each other whenever they want.

We've got a tight-knit clan, here. we're all very close to each other after years of yakking with each other.

And I easily, VERY easily, get defensive when my friends get snipped at.

Yeah, that's all it was. A snip. But this is the internet. And shit gets magnified 30X before anyone reads the underlying meaning.

I'm gonna stop attacking you now, cuz I don't think you intended anything malicious with your comment.

I accept the apology, and I as well apologize for getting far too defensive about this all.

Now then.

Where's the beer?

cuz it's Friday, and I don't really wanna finish this work day sober, damnit!!!
LM- I'll accept your apology, and I echo the sentiments of almost everyone that's commented so far. I started corset night as a means to have fun. This year brought more women to the fest than the last 3 years that I've been going, and this was a means for us to have our own kind of fun. I will issue this caution for the future. Please think ahead when you're opening your mouth. Yes, I'm sure you thought your fiance was the best looking woman in a corset, and that's your prerogative as she's your fiance. However, insinuating that almost everyone else looked like a "lady of the evening" was not your best course of action. To me, that suggests that the only reason we show up to ProPower is to get laid. While that was an objective for some, it's not a blanket fact and will not sit will with the rest of us.

With that said, apology accepted, learn from this or we shall have to flog you next year. ;)
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