Found Evergrey by accident... and what a FIND!


Brand new!
Oct 2, 2004
Glasgow, UK
I was looking for a band called Everlast - but clicked on Evergrey in error (no difference there then he-he!!). So I thought, what the hell - bought the 'In search of truth' album and absolutely was mesmerised by 'Different worlds'. So, I decided to check out the band and no I've got the rest of the albums and have to say what a superb discovery from out of no where.

Great band with lyrics that actually have meaning - so commonly missed in todays throw-away world of one hit wonder lyricists.

I listen to a fair bit of rock/metal and to be honest the last few years have been a bit of struggle (must be me getting old:) ) Bar the usual suspects of LP, Lost Prophets and awaiting releases from bands I liked when I was younger, I had lost touch with the rock scene for a few years. However, I'm getting there again - and all I can say the quality of music is getting better and better.

I did the exact same thing with Threshold.

How lucky can a guy be :Smug:

Thanks to the Evergrey guys for helping restore my faith in rock music. New album is great btw (love 'Closure' for its total simplicity and emotion).
you will never forget this my was the most Dark Discovery you ever made. if you want to start well try The Inner Circle first then listen to the Recreation Day album.:headbang: greetins to you my friend:headbang: and welcome!
what a wonderful way to discover a band... congrats... Evergrey is one of my favorites... Threshold rocks too ("Hypothetical" was a blind purchase for me back in 2001)
I don't know if you're talking of the same band, but Everlasts "Eat At Whiteys" is a great album.
i found evergrey by the fact that they are on the tour with in flames/nevermore and i loved their performance :D
I discovered Evergrey thanks to Head Bangers Ball spinning the Blinded video one night. I went out the next day and bought Recereation Day and The Inner Circle. I've since purchased all of their CD's and the DVD (although unlike Snowmaker I cannot get anyone at Inside Out to return my emails to get a replacement in the proper aspect ratio!)

These guys are an amazing band, and I'm very excited to see them live for the first time at ProgPower VII!
I discovered Evergrey by accident as well. I bought the DVD, because it really looked a quality product (package, lot of extras, booklet etc.). So I thought the music should be good as well. I have heard the band's name before, the DVD has an attractive price so I bought it. And fuck I thought, I'm listening fanatically to Heavy Metal since '89 and always actively searching for new music and how comes that a band like this eluded me for so long.... So I immediatly bought TIC, RD and SDT. Not disappointed at all, to say the least.

And to my huuuuuuge disapointment I learn that the had a gig here about a couple of weeks before I got the DVD. Damn, I'd have to be there....
Thorn23TX said:
I discovered Evergrey thanks to Head Bangers Ball spinning the Blinded video one night.

Same here, I was flipping through the channels one night in Sept or Oct. 2003, and I got up to MTV2 [they were playing Blinded], and I saw a band playing heavy metal. I thought, "Hmm, sounds interesting." but I kept flipping channels. I finally said to myself, "I should watch that video". so I changed the channel back. I was sitting there listening, hearing the double bass thumping, and the guitars chugging. Then, a solo came., and I said "WOW! A solo! I'm going to keep watching, and if they scream the vocals, I'm changing it." and it turns out, they were singing. Next day, went and bought Recreation Day, and have been hooked since.
What you said is too funny Tong Boy Junior... and I'll tell you why: I did the same EXACT thing when watching the Blinded vid! You see, I normally can watch a 2-hour HBB episode in about 15 minutes thanks to the magic of TiVo. I'm not particularly fond of the screaming/screeching/gutteral vocalists that dominate the rotation, and so when they play a new vid on the show I usually get thru the intro and into the main riff before the singer totally blows the song for me.

So, when the Evergrey vid came on, I did my usual and was pleasantly surprised when Tom actually SANG! Oh yes, and they played a guitar solo! I ran to check the calendar to make sure I hadn't teleported back into the late 80's/early 90's!

Anyway, I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one 'affected' by the Blinded vid in this way. :worship:
Marky-San said:
I was looking for a band called Everlast - but clicked on Evergrey in error (no difference there then he-he!!). So I thought, what the hell - bought the 'In search of truth' album and absolutely was mesmerised by 'Different worlds'. So, I decided to check out the band and no I've got the rest of the albums and have to say what a superb discovery from out of no where.

Great band with lyrics that actually have meaning - so commonly missed in todays throw-away world of one hit wonder lyricists.

I listen to a fair bit of rock/metal and to be honest the last few years have been a bit of struggle (must be me getting old:) ) Bar the usual suspects of LP, Lost Prophets and awaiting releases from bands I liked when I was younger, I had lost touch with the rock scene for a few years. However, I'm getting there again - and all I can say the quality of music is getting better and better.

I did the exact same thing with Threshold.

How lucky can a guy be :Smug:

Thanks to the Evergrey guys for helping restore my faith in rock music. New album is great btw (love 'Closure' for its total simplicity and emotion).

I'd also like to recommend Biomechanical and Nevermore.
I to found them from HBB mtv 2. I hate pantera/screamo crap. I love Maiden, Rush, Prong, K. Diamond ( Them ,Abigail and Conspiracy mikkey dee years) Dio and Kings 'x 2 name several.MY brother showed me the vid I downloaded some tunes of in seach of truth and that was it. They are a fav now. I am still of the opinion that Pat leaving the band really could be the thorn that keeps the from great metal prowess. he was in the same league as Mikkey Dee, Nikko Mcbrain, Vinnie Appice, MIke Portnoy ( who stated how amazing he thought patrick was) danny carey etcc......what a core member who helped create a sound means to the continued already built sound of the band. History has showm that when a great leaves a band or even one o great creative input if even only musically.Tha band usually suffers and in many cases regresses. I like the album alright the song writing is mature the music is lacking in the sense that soncialy the drums are at best average. I like onas he seems real sweet but when replacing such a great drummer I wish they would have been s little more thoughtfull and put more time into making a decision. I still ove evergrey and will buy there albums. I just fell the pinacle was reached and left with Pat.
Now I am a piece of dumbass.
I was on the Metalmania festival 2006 in Poland, where Evergrey were a special guest. I never heard them before and thought they suck so I spent the time of their show on eating dinner. Few weeks after the show I decided to 'check out' the band "anyway" starting with lastest "MMA". Soon I've ended with gathering all Evergrey albums and then putting then into my mp3 player. So, since a month the only band I am listening to is Evergrey and I can't forget what a stupid fu***ng moron I was, missing the show in Poland. Damn!
I could beat my ass for not getting into them sooner, I saw them with Iced Earth in 04 but only a few months ago bought anything by them.
Ive been listen to Evergrey for about a year now I own ever album they have put out they all kick ass there is not one song that I can sit all the way through I love this band they make so much since to me. They are everything you would want in a band. I am in to like screaming to but Toms voice is so perfect for this music and the lyrics he writes!!!
Nice accident!

Uh...I dunno, an online buddy of mine referred me to them.

I just recently bought The Inner Circle, MMA, and A Night To Remember (DVD).
That night was GLORIOUS.
Found :worship: Evergrey:headbang: by way of They are one of The :worship: Best:worship: that i have heard in the last 3 to 5 years. I live i Chattanooga, Tennessee and i am going to bug the HELL out of the Rock station here to play them in regular rotation.