France does'nt have any good metal bands

LOL for a drunk thread, this one was quite a sucess...

Well, what I was really thinking when I said that France doesn't have any good metal band is this:

Of all the top countries in the world, French is the less expressive in metal. I'm talking about G8 here...

Canada has KATAKLYSM. (heck, this fucking country gave us RUSH! what else do we need?)
Italy has LACUNA COIL.
UK has pretty much everybody. It's unfair to mention a single band.
Japan... whatever, X-Japan
And even Russia... Lets think... Oh whatever!!

Everyone has big guys in metal... Everyone but France!!!
melancio said:
LOL for a drunk thread, this one was quite a sucess...

Well, what I was really thinking when I said that France doesn't have any good metal band is this:

Of all the top countries in the world, French is the less expressive in metal. I'm talking about G8 here...

Canada has KATAKLYSM. (heck, this fucking country gave us RUSH! what else do we need?)
Italy has LACUNA COIL.
UK has pretty much everybody. It's unfair to mention a single band.
Japan... whatever, X-Japan
And even Russia... Lets think... Oh whatever!!

Everyone has big guys in metal... Everyone but France!!!
All those bands you said, excluding Blind Guardian, suck.
Plus Canada is known for Strapping Young Lad. Fuck Kataklysm.
melancio said:
Name one good metal band from France and prove me wrong.

Sweden and Finland and Germany and England, and every other country has good metal bands. FRANCE DOESNT!!!!!!!!!!

Am I wrong?:OMG:

S.U.P / SUpuration
I saw Adagio (from France) last night, very good band.

German band I haven't seen mentioned in this thread yet is Disillusion.

But I myself am from Holland, country that brought you Ayreon/Star One/etc.
:ill: Can't really say that i listen to any french bands..I have an album by Hacride, but i don't listen to it very much....

The Danish metal scene is even worse though...we have al most no good bands :mad:
Belenos is French right? I heard about them in this forum, their album Spicilège is really great. Thanks to the one who posted about it!
there is a lot of good bands in France
the big problem : they are not very known

for exemple :
Division Alpha

i can see that people here judges without knowledge
give us a chance before criticizing
I'd say USA is actually the most lacking in quality metal bands these days. Sure there's a quanity but seems like 9/10 bands are going the hardcore route and while some people may like that, I can't stand the genre.
Best quote I saw recently about this "Metal didn't die after the 80s, it just went overseas." The quality US non crappy genre metal bands are mostly the same ones that were around 15 years ago.

*puts on flame retardent jacket*