Frank Kicked Out?????

Steve has some great points. Hate to see Frankie go because of the passion.

But fuckin 'a, if he has to be replaced...............JOEY FUCKIN VERA.

The dude is an absolute allstar metalhead. I saw Joey with Fate's Warning, on the Queensryche, Dream Theater tour, and he could have easily jumped in with the dudes from Dream Theater. He is a master on the bass.
Frank does a lot of the backing vocals so you'd almost be replacing 2 members. It's not just about replacing his killer bass playing. It's a good thing Joey Vera can help out on the upcoming tours and kicks ass to boot. I said hey to Joey at the What Doesn't Die shoot. Seems like a cool dude. I didn't even call him by his name, I just said hey you're in Armored Saint right and told him A Trip Thru Red Times brought back great memories. It's funny if he didn't have the Mohawk, I might have walked right by him. Thank God the DVD reminded me of what he looked like. I'm used to him in long hair.
DarbysDad said:
Frank does a lot of the backing vocals so you'd almost be replacing 2 members. It's not just about replacing his killer bass playing. It's a good thing Joey Vera can help out on the upcoming tours and kicks ass to boot. I said hey to Joey at the What Doesn't Die shoot. Seems like a cool dude. I didn't even call him by his name, I just said hey you're in Armored Saint right and told him A Trip Thru Red Times brought back great memories. It's funny if he didn't have the Mohawk, I might have walked right by him. Thank God the DVD reminded me of what he looked like. I'm used to him in long hair.
So we'd have 2 mohawked members of the band? Alright. Is it going to be posted on anytime soon?
kicked out? No Way ... charlie and him are uncle & nephew for fucks sake ...surely not. But I mean Frankies been in the band for 20 years (though he always seems like the young one at heart to me) and thats a fuckin long time to be in any band or job or whatever. He's no spring chicken anymore (despite his onstage maniac presence) and perhaps he just wants something different.

This isn't the death of Anthrax ... Hell No!

Franky - thanks for the wonderful music & memories and remember `We're PIRATES' ...
gott look at the positives,if thrax do an instore in sydney i will be able to get my armoured saint revelation cd signed by vera as well as bush,on the down side i was looking forward to getting bush era cds signed with the current line up o well what the fuck do u do!!!
mrthrax said:
gott look at the positives,if thrax do an instore in sydney i will be able to get my armoured saint revelation cd signed by vera as well as bush,on the down side i was looking forward to getting bush era cds signed with the current line up o well what the fuck do u do!!!
Plus Joey Vera totally kicks fucking ass. I'm saying this as a Frankie freak too.

NP: Anthrax - POT
One song is appropriate for now.


LONG LIVE ANTHRAX.... Drinks all round and salute to Franky.
scottishthrax said:
Frank wrote a lot of the melodies and had a passion on stage. I would be very sorry to see him go, and feel that this may be the beginning of the end.

I agree with this completely. I think Frank had a lot to do with those big Anthrax chorus hook's that everyone likes so much. Stage presence and backing vocals are huge too.

Don't discount his contributions.