Bush rumored to be done with the band???

GregadetH said:
Holy shit! He underlined "YOU" in all caps.:erk:

Why then does it concern you that you may go so far as to specualte my level of concern for the concern that others show in this thread. And then to underline and caps me in your reply? Well sir, that concerns me greatly.:Smug:

Is this b/c I called them a hangers-on band?:grin:

I am concerned I have no idea what is going on.
Seriously man, Spitz has been off his rocker for a long time. I love his squels, miss them in fact, but I won't believe anything he says untill I see it. He says he is "coming back" - oh wait I'm sorry - I believe his words were "Get ready, I'm plugging in." - anyway, he says he's coming back but he has not said with who or anything. Something smells like fish is all I'm saying. I'm not buying in to one single rumor untill I hear something from Scott, Charlie, or John, or Frank.
You know now that Mr.Wu cleared the air. I'm really glad John's not leaving. Even though I would have followed Anthrax with Joey and Danny aboard but I really love the line up now. But the two members I do really miss are Frank and Danny. Those two guys I wouldn't mind rejoining.