Good Riddance to Bush

aliasp said:
:worship: :worship: :worship:

Best post in ages. Anthrax should bring back the real singer, Julio Iglesius... now he is hardcore. And dammit its not Anthrax unless Scott has hair... Yer...

I loved the duet Anthrax did with Dolly Parton on Bring the Boobs - the first ever cross over for Country Metal that all these Nu Country acts take credit for when we know it was Anthrax who started it.

Yeah, Iglesias did some good shit on the "No leather until hamstertime"-demos (bought them and saw the band the day they came out... of the closet). I never really liked the crossover EP with Dolly, too much country for my taste. But "I lost my car on the motherfucking road and I´m crying over you" rules, great blast-beats by Lombardos mom in that song.

Whatever happened to Scotts hair, last thing I heard of it was that it wrote all the lyrics for Faith No Mores "Angel Dust" but Patton and Gould denies this to this day. Gayfords!
All of you who cry for the return of Scotts hair to Anhtrax are stupid. It ain´t gonna happen. Benante and Scott fucked with that hair one time to much. Read all about it at Milanos site.

Lets all dress black and retro looking :rock:

Best fans ever.
and here I was thinking this was a FAN site.

old/ex members are still part of the band, you wanna go putting more labels and restrictions on metal (old this, new that), dude go for it... I know what I like, and so do you... now, quit telling us all about your opinions, and get on with the job at hand... APPRECIATING the bad, in what ever form they are...

strik9 said:
I have an issue of Guitar World from '93 that's got Anthrax on the cover and an interview with Scott and Dan. If I remember correctly Scott said he was gonna retire the Strat shaped 'Not' guitar from live work, and only use it in the studio. That Strat shaped Jackson is hands down my favourite axe Scott's ever played! :rock:

Yep and in that same very interview they even said Joeys voice never fit the music. Dan Spitz was quoted as saying "probably Joeys best album was Spreading..."
fuelee2004 said:
Yep and in that same very interview they even said Joeys voice never fit the music. Dan Spitz was quoted as saying "probably Joeys best album was Spreading..."

I think it was Scott who said that about STD. I don't think they outright said Joey's voice NEVER fit the music, but I remember Scott saying in his opinion as well as a lot of other people's opinion, STD was Joey's best album with the band, and as Anthrax's music got progressively heavier Joey stayed the same. Danny seemed to be thrilled as well, getting John in the band. That's funny 'cause years later I also remember reading Danny Spitz 20 questions with Metal Sludge, and he said that he was the only person who wanted to keep Joey in the band, when they voted if John was gonna be the new singer or not! I wish people in general and musicians in particular ('cause they seem to have a real knack for it) would just tell the truth about shit, and not keep changing their story! Personally as a fan I can handle the truth! I'd rather hear the truth even if I hate it/disagree with it, rather then one story one day, and a different story the next! :u-huh:
Still the show I saw weeks ago was better than any other ANTHRAX show I saw, I say keep Joey he is an incredible singer who fits ANTHRAX music like a glove!

To me ANTHRAX never sounded like ANTHRAX with John Bush or whichever other singer on vox!
spacebeer said:
Still the show I saw weeks ago was better than any other ANTHRAX show I saw, I say keep Joey he is an incredible singer who fits ANTHRAX music like a glove!

To me ANTHRAX never sounded like ANTHRAX with John Bush or whichever other singer on vox!

I agree 100% One of the things I think Scott and Dan failed to see back in '93, was Joey was a HUGE reason why Anthrax sounded so unique! As Anthrax's music got heavier in the '80s it also got more unique imo, culminating in not only their heaviest album, but also their most unique: Persistence Of Time. Imo such a combination of heaviness musically and melodocism vocally, was extremely unique compared to most of Anthrax's contempories at the time.
I personally think Scott should let his hair grow long on both sides and wear a monks robe and also Anthrax were all wearing black with this line up long before recent bands. :)
I have an issue of Guitar World from '93 that's got Anthrax on the cover and an interview with Scott and Dan. If I remember correctly Scott said he was gonna retire the Strat shaped 'Not' guitar from live work, and only use it in the studio. That Strat shaped Jackson is hands down my favourite axe Scott's ever played!

I like Scotts white Jackson Rhoads V (madhouse vid) and his Judge Death strat--I think it was an ESP
DeathsHead said:
I like Scotts white Jackson Rhoads V (madhouse vid) and his Judge Death strat--I think it was an ESP

:rock: No doubt about it! Scott's owned some awesome sounding and looking guitars over the years! :rock: I hope he's still got most of them!
I am stating what i think of the band, All you belladonna haters do it in every thread.. until somebody says something bad about bush... :Smug:
johnnieCzech said:
all these interview quotes are nothing but PR bullcrap.

I agree. Every band is gonna make it look like they are as united as can be when a new member joins. I just recall what that one dude claimed, about Joey and STD was not really what was said imo. Besides the only reason I mentioned the article in the first place, was because Scott said in the article that he was gonna retire the "Not" guitar, and some dude had a question about it. :lol:
Silent_Scream said:

Lets all dress black and retro looking :rock:

Best fans ever.

lets give this guy the #1 fan award.14yrs.later he's back into Anthrax re-living his 80's fantasy. "im gonna hate the band cause Belladonna was kicked out. Anthraax sucks now" expand your horizons cause Bush is a really good vocalist