Frankie named on Sludge Pussy list


Dec 16, 2002
Don't know if this has been already posted - but Frankie was named on the pussy list on Metal for not completing the 20 qns for them.

They posted the list they'd sent him - I must admit I'm curious to see Frank's responses if and when he does do them.
Sgt-D said:
Jeebus, the questions didn't even seem that tough...
Some people are into the internet and web sites and get involved in questionnaires like thoes at Metal Sludge and I must admit that some of the answers are interesting/amusing/outrageous!! - but some are not so interested!!!

But don't we all live in a free world where you can decide whether or not you want to do something - well Frank has made his choice and if he doesnt want to do it or doesnt find it interesting then why should he??

Get off his case and read the ones that are there and enjoy them - Scott has done 3 already and everyone else has done one or two - surely there's enough there without Frank having to send a reply??
I hate to say it but ... COME on Frank don't be a pussy! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!,,,,,, Does this have the makings of a bad after school special or what....DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!
Yeah Deege - that's exactly what I was thinking too. I for one have read too many interviews with Scott and Charlie saying how the music industry sucks, not enough promo for the record, etc etc but here's an opportunity to plug WCFYA wtf???
This is disappointing. We've been good to Anthrax over the years and have basically done 20 Questions with almost anybody who's been in the band, from past to present. So when Anthrax's webmaster and Mat 2003 Sludgeaholic Of The Month Brent Thompson said to send Frank 20 Questions, we did. We sent them out on May 12th, and 5 months have gone by and we haven't heard anything. We emailed Scott Ian, we emailed Brent back, we emailed Frank, and we got nothing. Guess Frank doesn't want the press. Oh well, his loss. Here are the questions he couldn't get back to us.

1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote new CDs such as "We've Come For You All", current tours with Motorhead, websites, etc.

2. Why has it taken you so long to do 20 Questions when almost every other past and present member of Anthrax has done it?

3. You used to leave passes at shows for Madonna, Kim Basinger and Michelle Pfeifer. Did any of them ever show and who's the hottest blonde ever?

4. What hard rock/heavy metal band should give it up and call it a day?

5. Rate the following bass players, 10 being the shit and 0 being total shit. Feel free to elaborate on your ratings.
Jason Newsted =
Robert Trujillo =
Billy Sheehan =
Bobby Dall =
Flea =
Nikki Sixx =
Dave Ellefson =
Fieldy =
Rex from Pantera =
Les Claypool =
Gene Simmons =

6. In retrospect, do you still believe that Joey Belladonna's refusal to grow his bangs out hurt the band's popularity?

7. Finish these song lyrics and tell us the artist on your own without any help. Try to be honest for a change:

"This is the autobiography of the E, and if you ever fuck with me, You'll get taken by a stupid dope brotha who will smother, word to the motherfucker, _____ _____ _____"
Lyrics (3 words):

"Deed is done again, we've won, Ain't talking no tall tales friend, 'Cause high noon, your doom, Comin' for you we're the ___ ____ _____
Lyrics (3 words):

"I played with your heart, got lost in the game. You think I'm in love, that I'm sent from above, I'm not that ________

"Cool drink of water such a sweet surprise. Taste so good make a grown man cry _____, _____, _____
Lyrics (3 words):

"Old Habits Reappear, fighting the fear of fear, growing conspiracy, everyone's after me, ______ ______ ______ _______, hear them calling, hear them calling me.
Lyrics (4 words):

"I never gave a damn. I was never even a fan. The only thing that makes me smile is ______ ________
Lyrics (2 words):

8. Rumor has it that Rob Caggiano is quite the man slut. Give us your grossest, most horrid story about rooming with him on tour?

9. Who do you fight with the most in Anthrax and what is it typically about?

10. Rate the following chicks on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being Kelly Osbourne and 10 being Britney Spears quality.
Lil Kim =
Jewel =
Gwen Stefani =
Lita Ford =
Pamela Anderson =
Meadow Soprano =
Drew Barrymore =
Jennifer Lopez =
Courtney Love =
Missy Elliott =

11. When Metallica was looking for a bass player, were you ever tempted to audition for them and if not, why?

12. The Last of Frank Bello:
Last CD you purchased =
Last movie you saw =
Last book you read =
Last time you got whiplash =
Last time you listened to an Ozzy record =
Last pizza you had =
Last time you threw up from drinking =
Last bass player you talked shop with =
Last time you talked to Paul Crook =
Last interview you did other than this one =

13. What rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?

14. Which do you prefer & why:
Ginny or Guido =
Retards or midgets =
Gene Simmons or John Paul Jones =
Smoking or drinking =
Al Pacino or Robert De Niro =
S.O.D. or Armored Saint =
Big Tits or Nice Ass =
Sopranos or Goodfellas =
Danny Lilker or Danny Spitz =
Missionary position or reverse cowgirl =

15. Which would you rather have happen to you (and you have to pick one):

a) Being the meat in a Udo Dirschneider/Rob Halford sandwich for a night;
b) Being strapped in place while both of Charlie's bass pedals are aligned directly to smack your nuts right before his double bass solo;
c) Have oxygen tubes forced straight up both nostrils BUT the oxygen have been replaced by kosher corn beef farts coming directly from Scott Ian's ass.

16. You share your birthday, July 9th, with O.J. Simpson. Have you ever killed anyone or thought about killing your wife?

17. Has Frank Bello ever:
Said the word "Bling Bling" to somebody else =
Been arrested =
Wanted to slap Carson Daly =
Had Dan Spitz fix your watch =
Mistaken Rob Caggiano for a member of N'Sync =
Wanted to host your own show on VH-1 =
Sang along with "Jenny From The Block" =
Wanted to change Anthrax's name to SARS =
Fired an AK-47 =
Feel off the stage while playing =

18. Scott stated in his 3-wind that he would rather have his nut sack ripped by a barbed wire than wake up to discover you naked and sweaty standing over him, beating off and blowing a load in his eye. How do you respond to that?

19. What's the purpose of "Crash" on the "We've Come For You All" CD?

20. Time for Metal Sludge's Word Association. We mention a name and you give us your thoughts.
Joey Belladonna =
The Dixie Chicks =
Dan Spitz =
Billy Milano =
Brent Thompson =
Danny Lilker =
Fred Durst =
Lars Ulrich =
Dave Mustaine =
Scott Ian =
prime666 said:
I hate to say it but ... COME on Frank don't be a pussy! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!,,,,,, Does this have the makings of a bad after school special or what....DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!
Hey now!!! Those of you who are siding with Metal Sludge should get off Frank's ass! He is no pussy! He is a very talented musician who obviously has better ways to spend his time. And as for what you say about him not helping to promote his band????!!!! What the hell do you think he's doing on the tour right now? Obviously something better than you are! Now, I admit, I would like to see his answers too, but if he doesn't do the 20 questions, my world isn't gonna end! Grow up people!:(
And another thing, I read these questions and I can't blame Frank for not answering them. Those people are idiotS! I bet everyone if they asked him sensible questions, he'd answer them.
I wonder if Frank's even read the questions.
This is NOT a big deal, people. Who give a fuck?
crystlpalace said:
And another thing, I read these questions and I can't blame Frank for not answering them. Those people are idiotS! I bet everyone if they asked him sensible questions, he'd answer them.
where is your sense of humour,frank seems to be a clown at times so i cant understand how the questions could offend him

metalsludge is so fucking hilarious.
Here, Ill answer em for Frank because im bored as shit and this could be fun....1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote new CDs such as "We've Come For You All", current tours with Motorhead, websites, etc.
Touring, you dumb fucks.
2. Why has it taken you so long to do 20 Questions when almost every other past and present member of Anthrax has done it?
Because my eyes start to bleed from boredom at question #3.
3. You used to leave passes at shows for Madonna, Kim Basinger and Michelle Pfeifer. Did any of them ever show and who's the hottest blonde ever?
No and the hottest blonde ever has to be either Vince Neil or Bret Michaels.
4. What hard rock/heavy metal band should give it up and call it a day?
Refer to question #3.
5. Rate the following bass players, 10 being the shit and 0 being total shit. Feel free to elaborate on your ratings.
Jason Newsted =Hard to fill Cliffs shoes. 7
Robert Trujillo =whats up with that "monster walk"? 6
Billy Sheehan =Did Dave ever get close to hitting you with that sword? 7
Bobby Dall =next......
Flea = Did Anthony ever get close to hitting you with that penis in the sock? 7
Nikki Sixx =next.....
Dave Ellefson =Was that the guy who played the beginning of "Peace Sells"? 6
Fieldy =Who?
Rex from Pantera =There is no Pantera. 5
Les Claypool =Primus Sucks!!! 8
Gene Simmons = He plays bass in those fuckin high heels....

6. In retrospect, do you still believe that Joey Belladonna's refusal to grow his bangs out hurt the band's popularity?
No, it was my refusal to grow pubic hair.
7. Finish these song lyrics and tell us the artist on your own without any help. Try to be honest for a change:

"This is the autobiography of the E, and if you ever fuck with me, You'll get taken by a stupid dope brotha who will smother, word to the motherfucker, _____ _____ _____"
Lyrics (3 words):from Metal Sludge
Artist:Not sure but were they on the tour you sponsored?

"Deed is done again, we've won, Ain't talking no tall tales friend, 'Cause high noon, your doom, Comin' for you we're the ___ ____ _____
Lyrics (3 words):Cowboys from Hell

"I played with your heart, got lost in the game. You think I'm in love, that I'm sent from above, I'm not that ________
Artist:Britney Spears whos not as hot as Vince Neil but I do leave her backstage passes too.

"Cool drink of water such a sweet surprise. Taste so good make a grown man cry _____, _____, _____
Lyrics (3 words):Sweet Cherry Pie
Artist:The band that ended hair metal, Warrant.

"Old Habits Reappear, fighting the fear of fear, growing conspiracy, everyone's after me, ______ ______ ______ _______, hear them calling, hear them calling me.
Lyrics (4 words):Frayed End of Sanity
Artist:The artist formerly known as Metallica

"I never gave a damn. I was never even a fan. The only thing that makes me smile is ______ ________
Lyrics (2 words):your pain.
Artist:Sounds familiar but I cant quite pinpoint it.

8. Rumor has it that Rob Caggiano is quite the man slut. Give us your grossest, most horrid story about rooming with him on tour? Whats a man slut?

9. Who do you fight with the most in Anthrax and what is it typically about? With Rob cause hes a man slut.

10. Rate the following chicks on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being Kelly Osbourne and 10 being Britney Spears quality.
Lil Kim =5, shed work in a pinch
Jewel =6, whats up with that snaggle tooth though?
Gwen Stefani =7, shes too old to be dressing like a skater chick though.
Lita Ford =6, havent seen her in years. I bet she looks like Bret Michaels now.
Pamela Anderson = 8 but a 10 if you havent seen the video of her with Tommy Lee.
Meadow Soprano =who?
Drew Barrymore =2, I bet she farts alot.
Jennifer Lopez =Isnt she dating Matt Damon?..6
Courtney Love =10, nothing like a gutter slut.
Missy Elliott =who?

11. When Metallica was looking for a bass player, were you ever tempted to audition for them and if not, why?
No, I had a job.

19. What's the purpose of "Crash" on the "We've Come For You All" CD?
Whats the purpose of this interview?
Didnt answer them all but what the hell.....
Man question 15 is fucking hilarious...LMFAO!!!!!

And calm down, Crystlpalace. It's all about press you know, and MS has had shitloads of faithful readers. Plus, it's just a kickass site (and I'm not sucking their balls here) which supports Anthrax since the day fuckin' one. Yeah I know they probably dig crap like Faster Pussycat but I don't give a single fuck about it (as well as about FS) as long as their promote our favorite band too. Frankie shouldn't ever turn his back to them.