Free reamping, someone ? metalcore


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hey guys,

we just finished recording a demo with my band Stillrise, 2 tracks of heavy sounding music. I'm the drummer of the band.

I couldn't record it in my studio because we are currently working on finishing a new room and we can't work in there, so it was all done in "home studio" with some great gear (Apogee, API, ...) except for the drums that were recorded quick in a local studio.
We recorded the guitars direct, just using a POD to monitor. We did 4 tracks for rythm parts, 2 tracks for lead parts (there are only two lead parts), and 1 track for the only solo. We used an ESP Horizon with EMG mics for all the parts, except for the solo, which was a Lag guitar (don't remember which mics).
The problem I have here, is that I can't reamp the guitars for the moment because of the neighbours, and I don't want (if possible) to keep the POD sound on the demo.
So if someone here has some free time, some guitar/reamping gear and wants to contribute to an heavy sounding demo, it would be killer, he can contact me at sylvain.raulin(at)
Of course, he will get the credits on our myspace, website, and on the CD !
The tone we're looking for is the kind of tone you can hear on : Parkway Drive, As I Lay Dying, Darkest Hour, Black Dahlia Murder, Bury Your Dead ... CDs
I'd upload the DI tracks on my FTP server.

Our myspace : (the live song and the "Fade Out" song are the most recent stuff, wasn't in the band before that)

I did a quick "premix" of the demo with the POD guitar tracks (don't mind the levels between the instruments, they are not very good) :
I think OzNimbus was offering free reamping a while back, maybe PM him- use search anyway and the thread will come up.
sly, I can do it
here's what I have
Peavey 5150 big block
Marshall 2550 50 watt head
Mesa Boogie 50 caliber + head
Sovtek Mig 60
Peavey Triple XXX

Marshall JCM800 celestion 4x12 cabinet w/ celestion vintage 30's
Mesa Boogie 4x12 open top/closed bottom w/2 celestions and 2 electro-voice speakers
Peavey 4x12 w/celestion G12T-75 speakers
Mesa Recto Oversized 4x12 w/V30's

let me know
I can help you out there if you want, i dont mind doing it for free

Engl Powerball,
Laney gh100l,
Peavey Ultra 120,
Roland JC 120 (sweet for cleans),
Peavey Clasic 60/60 poweramp,
Mesa boggie studio preamp,
Peavey rockmaster Preamp

Engl 4x12 with v30s and gt75's in an x pattern

Im lucky i live in country side so i can realy crank the amps.

PM if you interested
did you post Fadeout several years ago? I remember reamping it or mixing it sometime back.
I love this forum, so much guys doing it for the music and not only for the money. Thanks to you all, guys.

This would be interesting to have several kind of sounds ! Maybe everyone can post some clips :)
I am going to PM everyone who wants to do some reamping job with the links right now.
And yes there was a contest for the mixing of "Fade Out" one year and a half ago, mister Eduardo Apolonia "won" it, he did an amazing job, but it was hard to choose because there were really tons of interesting mixes and ideas from everyone.
Everybody'X I remember you did some shots at the "Fade Out" mix, it sounded great !!

Going to write the PM with the links right now.

Just had a quick go at reamping them

MOTU 8Pre > Reamp V2 > Peavey XXL > Marshall 1960A V30s > SM57 (sneap technique) > Motu 8Pre
> Samson S Direct > DAW

I took a feed of the preamp out off my peavey to add an impulse to. there are 4 tracks all together L R and L60 R 60

L60 + R60 are the line out of the amp fed with a 45degree SM57 impulse taken from the same speaker and cab a few days ago. These tracks are a gud 10db quieter than the main L and R Tracks

Theres two versions, one with a 6505 curve eq from VH100rs curve eq pack but only applied slightly, and the other is totally raw
I love this forum, so much guys doing it for the music and not only for the money. Thanks to you all, guys.

This would be interesting to have several kind of sounds ! Maybe everyone can post some clips :)
I am going to PM everyone who wants to do some reamping job with the links right now.
And yes there was a contest for the mixing of "Fade Out" one year and a half ago, mister Eduardo Apolonia "won" it, he did an amazing job, but it was hard to choose because there were really tons of interesting mixes and ideas from everyone.
Everybody'X I remember you did some shots at the "Fade Out" mix, it sounded great !!

Going to write the PM with the links right now.

Shit man, I owe you one, that Stillrise mix got me a LOT of work
HEY MATE I may be able to help out.

My Interface is slightly fucked...and unreliable...

But I wanted to do some quick ENGL/Peavey/Framus Cobra send me the DI's. It'll be through an ENGL Pro Cabinet...

I know I said i'd reamp some other dudes stuff and I can Once I get my new comp and firewire interface I can do free reamping for anyone.