Reamping test please help

Just want to say that I'm so glad that the trend of using Dropbox has caught on. That application is one of the coolest things to have ever come about for online collaboration, and I'm so glad not to have to be bombarded with ads whilst trying to find a tiny download link on Rapidshare, Megaupload or something...

Will do something in a few hours!
Great DI's, and great song! Thanks a lot for posting up, I always love getting new test mix songs with good DI's.
Nice one, Greg!

Sorry I missed your and Dan's post on the first page. Thanks for the kind words. Yes experimenting around a bit has led to some better starting points. I still don't have 100% out of it, so I'll definitely look forward to future reamps. Might borrow some other heads and see where the limitations lie!

In terms of 3 vs 4... it was funny. I thought 3 was too dull, so I referenced 4 to KsE as I was sweeping the mic, and oddly after all was said and done the tone sounded oddly pushed in the higher mids. Perhaps it really *is* best to track a bit more subdued tones and then deal with boosts later. Hmmm...

As far as 3 and being honky goes... it was done with the mids on '0' :lol:. Gotta love 2x12s eh.