from an old school metal

Oinkness said:
I'd have no problem kicking your ass if you didn't have your location hidden. ^_^

Opeth, more planned out and commercial - one in the same. If you deny the fact that Ghost Reveries is more commercial than earlier Opeth albums (except Damnation) then you are, indeed, a deluded moron.

If you deny the fact that Opeth rehearsed several times before recording GR in order to plan the songs, then you are also a moron.

More planned out and more commercial is not one in the same, moron. By that principal symphonies would be one of the most commercial forms of music. More minimalistic music tends to be the more commercial, at least in America. It's one thing if you don't like Ghost Reveries, but obviously you don't understand the influences on the cd. Do you even know what a mellotron is? And if you want to argue your point, do so with logical statements, otherwise shut up.
Hlfreak said:
More planned out and more commercial is not one in the same, moron. By that principal symphonies would be one of the most commercial forms of music. More minimalistic music tends to be the more commercial, at least in America. It's one thing if you don't like Ghost Reveries, but obviously you don't understand the influences on the cd. Do you even know what a mellotron is? And if you want to argue your point, do so with logical statements, otherwise shut up.
I use mellotron all the time. And what exactly is your point? Opeth is not planned out or commercial because they added mellotron to their sound? That's possibly the most futile argument EVER.
Right ok, so because opeth have a keyboard they are now commercial in you eyes are they? How on earth does the keyboard make Opeth more listenable. Infact i think you will find that alot of the keyboard is extremely melancholic on Ghost Reveries. At times you can hardly hear it, but you know its there because its add texture rather than the shit excuse of Opening up 'Epic soundscapes' in your dreadful project rainwound. Lets face it Oink your argument is stupid because you think that having the use of Keyboard in a band makes it more accesible to listen too. Its not even an aspect of making music popular, Especially the way per plays. Rhythmic, disharmonic and performs like a true musician. Now why dont you go fuck off to your bedroom grab yourself a twinky, re-read your comments and truly think about what you typed. Then drown yourself in your own failure.
affinityband said:
Right ok, so because opeth have a keyboard they are now commercial in you eyes are they? How on earth does the keyboard make Opeth more listenable. Infact i think you will find that alot of the keyboard is extremely melancholic on Ghost Reveries. At times you can hardly hear it, but you know its there because its add texture rather than the shit excuse of Opening up 'Epic soundscapes' in your dreadful project rainwound. Lets face it Oink your argument is stupid because you think that having the use of Keyboard in a band makes it more accesible to listen too. Its not even an aspect of making music popular, Especially the way per plays. Rhythmic, disharmonic and performs like a true musician. Now why dont you go fuck off to your bedroom grab yourself a twinky, re-read your comments and truly think about what you typed. Then drown yourself in your own failure.
affinityband said:
Right ok, so because opeth have a keyboard they are now commercial in you eyes are they? How on earth does the keyboard make Opeth more listenable. Infact i think you will find that alot of the keyboard is extremely melancholic on Ghost Reveries. At times you can hardly hear it, but you know its there because its add texture rather than the shit excuse of Opening up 'Epic soundscapes' in your dreadful project rainwound. Lets face it Oink your argument is stupid because you think that having the use of Keyboard in a band makes it more accesible to listen too. Its not even an aspect of making music popular, Especially the way per plays. Rhythmic, disharmonic and performs like a true musician. Now why dont you go fuck off to your bedroom grab yourself a twinky, re-read your comments and truly think about what you typed. Then drown yourself in your own failure.
I never said that, you dumb fuck.

Keep arguing amongst yourselves, this has gotten too retarded for me. Have fun, thread.
Opeth is not planned out or commercial because they added mellotron to their sound? That's possibly the most futile argument EVER.

Oinkness if you leave now, you may not realise your own stupidity and may have to live with it forever.

P.s too retarded for you....I think not dear sir. Theres very little that could be level with your Blissful unawareness.
Heres a place too start, try contacting them there will no doubt be space for you to fit in.

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Oinkness said:
I use mellotron all the time. And what exactly is your point? Opeth is not planned out or commercial because they added mellotron to their sound? That's possibly the most futile argument EVER.
Wow, re-read again, dolt.
Oinkness said:
and now with GR they're more commercial and planned out.... just can't listen to the whole thing at once.
LOL :lol: Ok so you would rather bands just bust into a studio, write and record the entire album in one day, and call it a day? Sure, cause PLANNING makes bad music right?
Pethical said:
yeah, hold on whilst i catch a cab to naboo.

dying of laughter here. someone get the defibrulators
Jude said:
It was the implication. Besides which, calling Opeth songs "planned out" as an insult makes no sense at all and calling GR "commercial" is also stupid.

i don't agree with him. but, thats obviously the way it sounds to him. neither of those terms should be taken as an insult. when describing music, every word that is used is entirely subjective. so really, both terms make perfect sense. compared to the last few albums, this album was more "planned out." he obviously didn't like this change. i could describe the album as "planned out" in a completely different way, meaning that i love it...which i do. and commercial? well, more commercially viable? is. its their most well-rounded album to date, not to mention the extra press...and once again, the music has changed, as it has with every opeth album.

my initial argument in defense of the terms commercial and planned out being "one in the same" was shot down by oinkness.

but, fuck me...everyone, oinkness included...its so fucking stupid to argue opinions on music...christ, no one is going to change anyone's mind. for the exact same reasons that he loves it, you hate it...thats it. now, what in the fuck is being accomplished by telling him that he's wrong? its impossible to be wrong. 70% of the music discussion on this forum ends up in an attack on someone's opinion, rather than saying, "oh, here's what i think."
Oinkness said:
I never said that, you dumb fuck.

Keep arguing amongst yourselves, this has gotten too retarded for me. Have fun, thread.
hes in his own little world
JoeVice said:
i don't agree with him. but, thats obviously the way it sounds to him. neither of those terms should be taken as an insult. when describing music, every word that is used is entirely subjective. so really, both terms make perfect sense. compared to the last few albums, this album was more "planned out." he obviously didn't like this change. i could describe the album as "planned out" in a completely different way, meaning that i love it...which i do. and commercial? well, more commercially viable? is. its their most well-rounded album to date, not to mention the extra press...and once again, the music has changed, as it has with every opeth album.

my initial argument in defense of the terms commercial and planned out being "one in the same" was shot down by oinkness.

but, fuck me...everyone, oinkness included...its so fucking stupid to argue opinions on music...christ, no one is going to change anyone's mind. for the exact same reasons that he loves it, you hate it...thats it. now, what in the fuck is being accomplished by telling him that he's wrong? its impossible to be wrong. 70% of the music discussion on this forum ends up in an attack on someone's opinion, rather than saying, "oh, here's what i think."

I agree with what your saying but theres things that you have to classify as correct and incorrect. Same as anything. Keyboards selling the album....I think not.
affinityband said:
I agree with what your saying but theres things that you have to classify as correct and incorrect. Same as anything. Keyboards selling the album....I think not.
keyboards selling the album... what a load of shite
Music is subjective. But it is not 100% subjective. If a band records themselves farting and call it an album, there is no way this can be considered 'good' by sane people.
affinityband said:
I agree with what your saying but theres things that you have to classify as correct and incorrect. Same as anything. Keyboards selling the album....I think not.

yes, when the one under attack goes on the defensive, he lowers himself to the same level as the idiot attacking him, thus creating a correct and incorrect.