
How much more would the Special Edition Odyssey with Frontiers cost compared to the version with only Maquerade? If it costs more, Jax, can I just send you that extra money in the mail, and you send it to me via the internet? :grin: I really want to hear that song.
The song is pure genious, I actually just heard it finnaly like last month! I was rather impressed, I was rather upset when they didn't have it on my version of the Odyssey...

IDEA: all these Japanese bonuses and shit, why don't they take all the Japenese Specials, and special edition songs EX: Masquerade/Frontiers... And put them on an album and sell it as a single or something
I don't think Frontiers is that good, sure it has cool parts, but the chorus is kinda boring. It would have sounded a filler if it were on Odyssey IMO.
proulxski said:
The song is pure genious, I actually just heard it finnaly like last month! I was rather impressed, I was rather upset when they didn't have it on my version of the Odyssey...

IDEA: all these Japanese bonuses and shit, why don't they take all the Japenese Specials, and special edition songs EX: Masquerade/Frontiers... And put them on an album and sell it as a single or something
The point of Japanese bonus tracks is to give the Japanese an incentive not to import, as CDs are expensive over there (actually they're the same price or cheaper than in the UK but we get no concessions here!!! :hotjump: )
If you could get the bonus tracks somewhere other than Japan, what incentive would there be for Japanese people to not import them?

Here's a link to The Odyssey on CDJapan

$20 isn't much, but the shipping will take it up a fair bit. Pick up the Advent Children OST while you're there ;)
you can try looking on ebay, there are a lot of japanese import cd's there. that's where i got my copy of the odyssey with masquerade and frontiers for only around $20 CDN (incl. shipping).
Ehh, 2 copies is enough. I don't need to spend more money on a third copy of a CD that I already have 2 working copies of. Even if it IS Symphony X, and Symphony X > God
ptah knemu said:
If it's a JAPAN bonus track, then how have all of you heard it?
Hmmm, let me see. I think, and I could be wrong here, but I think it's because it's common knowledge that a lot of metal bands put bonus tracks on Japanese editions. Yeah, that would be it.

rockyracoon said:
I would send Frontiers to anyone who doesnt already have it...
Nah, it's alright - I just posted a link where they can buy it :P
_Gentleman of_the Snow_ said:
It's not so much that they are leaving out material for us. More-so, adding material for them.
We don't get it, they do...

They get more than we do= we got screwed and we let it happen.
Thraxz said:
We don't get it, they do...

They get more than we do= we got screwed and we let it happen.
They also pay more than you do as I previously stated. You pay more, you get more. It's not as if they want to pay more for CDs.

Let it happen? It's not up to us. We don't tell a band what to put on a CD. Hell, the band probably don't even get to decide to put the Japanese bonus tracks on - it's a label thing.

You can all whine as much as you want about not getting bonus tracks "over here", but with the internet, low price of importing and now you know about it, you can just buy all your CDs from Japan instead of here. Then you won't have to complain about not having bonus tracks.
MrFast said:
I don't want to sound like a complete ignoramus, but I probably am. Wtf is a chapman stick?

The stick is for two hand tapping.
I have a bootleg live video of Liquid Tension Experiment in which someone that doesn't look like John Myung is playing one of those.
ptah knemu said:
I have a bootleg live video of Liquid Tension Experiment in which someone that doesn't look like John Myung is playing one of those.

John Myung is not a member of LTE. You are surely refering Tony Levin, who is an absolute badass. In case you're unfamiliar with his work, he is Peter Gabriel's bassist, as well as working with Terry Bozzio on some projects, and countless others...

And about that LTE bootleg. I love that thing. I wish there were more shows available. Or they should just do an LTE 3, and just tour.