said:umm piracy is wrong, but we as paying fans, do have the right to hear a track, Symphony X has the choice to either puyt it on the track or not... once they do anyone who buys anything from them deserves and has the right to listen to a track! Anyone (IN Canada especially) who has all of Symphony X's Stuff, has paid over 100$, its like 32 $ a cd down here, + To order most of them we have to wait 6 months ro recieve them and put down a 20$ deposit... So I think uif we're willing to waste our time and money on this band ansd forum (Just so you know its a good waste lol) We do have the right to hear a track... As for Burning a whole cd selling them, or anything...I'm in agreement GO AWAY! Otherwise, one song which even some of the most hardcore symphony X fans have never heard deserve to hear it!
ptah knemu said:$100 a cd? Thats more retarted than- I should just stop right there, before I get myself into some deep deep shit. But seriously! That's retarted! How far from the border do you live? Oh wait. You're in Quebec. That's far from the U.S. border, isn't it? Okay. My idea wouldn't work. I would've just said cross the border and buy your cd's here, for like 15 bucks a cd.
kazahana said:
kazahana said:
Platinum Maze said:Montreal is less than an hour from the NY border. Quebec City is a couple hours more.
Deposit? Dude, order online!!!
I can't believe it's been 3 years, and everyone hasn't found a way to hear this song yet!?!?
proulxski said:yeh exactly, and ordering online? Yeh right, Credit card and shit, I tried once and my money magically disapeared abd I never got my copy of Twilight in Olympus... If they would just have them in stores, and on the shelf, and able to order like that! Waiting 6 months and putting down a 20$ deposit for an album is a pain in the ass... Internet is just as much of a pain in the ass, if I can't go to the store and buy it or recieve it in 2 weeks from ordering...Well there is a problem! If the japenese version was for sale at the store id buy it right away! but its not, so for the money I have dished out on this godly band, you think id get at least a deal somewhere? like being able to heard Frontiers![]()
You're either very unlucky, or chose a really bad place to buy CDs. It's not as if there's a shortage of genuine and secure online retailers. I've certainly never had a problem, even when ordering from Japan. I suggest you follow up that bad transaction since you do have rights in that areaproulxski said:yeh exactly, and ordering online? Yeh right, Credit card and shit, I tried once and my money magically disapeared abd I never got my copy of Twilight in Olympus... If they would just have them in stores, and on the shelf, and able to order like that! Waiting 6 months and putting down a 20$ deposit for an album is a pain in the ass... Internet is just as much of a pain in the ass, if I can't go to the store and buy it or recieve it in 2 weeks from ordering...Well there is a problem! If the japenese version was for sale at the store id buy it right away!
I give up. Despite me pointing out the fact that you blatantly don't get anything other than what you've paid money for, you don't seem to understand. You deserve nothing, even if you were silly enough to pay ludicrous amounts for an album that you could have got cheaper if you'd had more patience or looked for a more secure online retailer.proulxski said:but its not, so for the money I have dished out on this godly band, you think id get at least a deal somewhere? like being able to heard Frontiers![]()
kazahana said:They didn't ask you to.
proulxski said:Ptah, 15 $ across the border in Americain Currency... That still comes out to like 30 $ canadian dude! It would be just a greater waste of money lol, you see how high gas prices are going now days?
We are close to the border, I'm saying if you wanna get all the cd's (the whole symphony X collection) its way over 100$... The Odyssey + V;The NEw Mythology Suite comes out to around 68 $ after tax... thats 2 of their albums one more and we hit the 120 $ range
PS: its not any cheeaper for us to go acorss the boarder, I gotta get Americain $$$$ so I go to the bank and exchange my 30 for your 15... Its no cheaper, if you come to Canada and use us dollars its 15 around, but if you change into canadian currency its around 30... so in the end yeh its no cheaper lol
ptah knemu said:And also, I don't know (although i need to learn) the value difference between the U.S. and Canadian dollars.
Jax said:I'm trying to arrange a second mod for this forum so there'll be someone watching when I can't, so be patient.