
actualy, "some" (i suppose you refer to the band themself) has aproved this already.
when i first put all those bootlegs up i asked Anders, and he said it was cool.
Offcourse, if they have changed teire minds, and someone has something against me sharing bootlegs, i´ll take them down right away..
Hobo said:
actualy, "some" (i suppose you refer to the band themself) has aproved this already.
when i first put all those bootlegs up i asked Anders, and he said it was cool.
Offcourse, if they have changed teire minds, and someone has something against me sharing bootlegs, i´ll take them down right away..

thats an excellent collection of stuff you got there. Did you film these gigs yourself?
Hobo said:
actualy, "some" (i suppose you refer to the band themself) has aproved this already.
when i first put all those bootlegs up i asked Anders, and he said it was cool.
Offcourse, if they have changed teire minds, and someone has something against me sharing bootlegs, i´ll take them down right away..

Have they changed their minds (or perhaps you)?
Cuz this link just doesn't work anymore....
That would be me.. the computer that ran it sort of overheated and died, and i havent had the time nor have i realy felt like fixing it..
send me a private msg if you want bootlegs :)
I have a two bootlegs of katatonia in Dublin, Ireland. one from the Opeth tour in 2001 and one from Viva Emptiness in 2003 if you want them on your site. Hobo- Pm me if you want the cds.

Ps- The sound quality is fairly poor.
i aint play this said:
Eh issi ai!! bem vindo!!

ps)E ai fateful, tu ta acompanhando a copa? tomara que o brasil bote pra fuder terca feira, to botando fe!!:Smokin:

eu vi que pra tristeza dos nossos amigos e herois músicais, a Suécia se deu mal no sabado.. :erk: ... normalmente não sou muito de futebol.... muitos anos que perdi o interesse.. ultima copa não vi nenhum jogo.. tambem tinha horarios ruims e tudo. Mas bem.. até assisti alguma coisa esse fim de semana.. tive em Recife, fui na sexta, cheguei hoje .. coisas de familia.. minha familia inteira é daí.. dae fico na casa de minha vó, sem porra nenhuma pra fazer.... tome TV. :erk:
Oh crap... Hobo, I mean noooo offence at all, but could you please remove my Murder cover? It's soooo outdated and crappy... I had been playing guitar for 2 or 3 months at that time, I'm quite ashamed it's still online... (this is actually the oldest version, I have 3 versions)