Fuckin' Chicks

After two days the itches go away. I've had my beard for 3 years now.

You know, I kind of imagined the worst when I scrolled quickly down the page and caught this post, what with all that talk about sex in the thread. Then I got to the beard part, and I was mildly dissapointed.
they match!!!

on a side note ... snatch, clinically speaking, is not very nice looking
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That is awesome. Also, I can see the face : pussy resemblances. I am now going to think that I have the uncanny ability to roughly know what every chick's snatch may look like.

edit: I had to edit my post because of what UM does to the "face : pussy" if it is typed correctly ---> face:pussy See what it does there?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That is awesome. Also, I can see the face : pussy resemblances. I am now going to think that I have the uncanny ability to roughly know what every chick's snatch may look like.

:lol: ... yeah I had the same thought.
most likely it's from too much porn.

the mystery is all gone :cry: