Fuckin' Chicks

Hello Jerry,

I just wanted to send you a late birthday wish. I didn't forget... how can I? it's basically the "tax" birthday :)
anyway.. I emailed you before and you didn't reply so I thought better to leave you alone- but... you know what? It's okay. I don't mind if you don't reply.
I want to wish you a happy birthday- even if it's late- so happy birthday! I hope you had a really lovely day.... and I sent you nice thoughts that day.

Hope all is well with you, and with your family.

I'm in California! I think I mentioned that to you... I drove past your area a few times-just on the freeway- I have some family in Pasadena..

anyway.. well I'm leaving again - to Europe. Actually this Friday...
I know you're answer but I'll try anyway.... would you like to meet me for a coffee? no.. I didn't think you would. :)

Take care,




HOLY SHIT! :eek:
hahahahaha Jerry's ladyfriend's email is eerily similar to the ones I used to receive...right down to the well-wishes and the "hope all is well with your family" routine

My chick deliberately tried to break up my family and then has the balls to say "I hope it works out with you and the wife" haha
"hope all is well" is my most hated line in email communication. although i use it quite frequently.
dude, I sit in an office chair at home ... for relaxing.
then i go to sleep and have about 20% of the bed.

stop whining.
*Also, I was going to post in this thread but then the bitch called me back and now all is well again
I just wonder if all the guys I've ever emailed serious letters to - have posted them on their boards...