Fuckin' Chicks

was she a spoiled, high maintenance brat? why did you shitcan her?

d) all of the above.

You can also add to the list lying, manipulative, and a cheat. But hey, good times.

Oh, and she shitcanned me. Then tried to take it back. But 'twas too little too late.

I would totally do it!

As a matter of fact, I have an audio of her cussing me out one night, which is totally hilarious at how much of a little baby she sounds like, that I want to post on youtube.

I'm quite nervous about getting gang rapped by a slew of lawyers that daddy has behind him however. :erk:
Bump because I want to read through this thread later. Like whoa and stuff.
as for me, I don't remember most of the stories I posted about here. those were some real drunk years.
Yep. A few really shitty situations I got into. Likely my own fault in many ways. Wonder how some of them wimmenz felt about what I was doing to them, when I was being "fucked over" or whatever complaint/madness I blamed on The She at the time. :hypno:
So time for some swizzle drama.

I dated this girl for 6 months about 1.5 years ago. I fell in love with her. We had a bit of a we like each a lot, but idk if we are right for each other thing. Then she started dating her ex boyfriend (After 3 years they broke up, and her and I started dating) again. 2 months later he proposed to her, and now they are getting married. I was totally infatuated with her for a while. I got over it, but sometimes I get emotional and sad about it. Mostly because I loved her. I have been really close friends with her for the last 1.5 years. It's been great. We talk about everything. I have shared with her that I have some lingering feelings and nothing came of it. She mostly said, I understand and I get it, and we move on. She also has never discussed this with the fiance.

Fast forward to today. I was looking to buy her a wedding gift, since I am invited to the wedding. I looked at the wedding website and saw that she said her and her fiance had been dating for 4 years and then he proposed to her. I felt hurt by that. I know I was in the wrong for feeling hurt, but I did. I eventually told her this, and by telling her this I prefaced it with, "I know I'm being dumb, but these are my feelings". She felt horrible and told her fiance, who now thinks I'm still in love with her, and her friends. A shit storm came towards me saying I am horrible and selfish for saying it to her. All I wanted to do is discuss things and tell her how I felt. That's it. Apparently, I'm a massive jerkface for sharing my feelings to someone I thought was a great friend. I know her fiance is better for her than me, and I didn't want to break them up. I was wrong for thinking I was really good friends with her (I've always had female friends, and I'm logical enough to stop those feelings to become friends).

So from now on, refer to me as the asshole who tries to break up a wedding, without even knowing he's trying to.