Fuckin' Chicks

Had an honest exchange yesterday outside of Farmer's Market.

Cute Blond Chick: "Hi, do you have a moment for Gay Right's?
Me: "Sorry, Don't believe in it."

Speak from the heart, die without a weight on your chest.
you know nothing good would have come of it so why did you do it? you could have at least waited until after the wedding, tbh.

I thought she was my friend. We've talk about EVERYTHING. For example, her fiance doing things that made them break up in the first place after they were engaged. I told her to stick with it, and bear down and figure it out. We had been really close, she was a person I could talk to, even when I was being dumb.

The whole converstation started with me saying, I know this is dumb, but I wanted to share my feelings. All I wanted to do was talk. That's it.
well if you are 'good friends' she probably should have told you about the 'sanitized' history before you found out 2nd hand, she was probably thinking you wouldnt see that, it was written for grammy and auntie who back in their day didnt sleep around with fuzzy scientists before they got hitched. now, after she got called out about it she also shouldnt have gone around telling everyone, of course making you look like some jealous love crazed friend or whatever. she's wrong, you're right. you're innocent, she's a bitchface. i wouldnt go to that wedding though if it were me.
I'm not saying, I'm not naive for thinking nothing good could happen. I trusted her. I thought she was a friend, where we could discuss things. Now I know I was so wrong.
I'm not saying, I'm not naive for thinking nothing good could happen. I trusted her. I thought she was a friend, where we could discuss things. Now I know I was so wrong.

being a chicks confidant AND fuck buddy isn't going to work ... it's one or the other.
Let me guess, her future hubby is the type that keeps her in check ...

Actually, not really. She told him to fuck off initially and said we were friends. He knew we had sex, and accepted that.

I even got texts from her friend, who said I'm an asshat. I figured, if we were as close as friends as I thought we were, we'd talk about it first. Not at all.
in so many words.

I just got a text from the girl, "I'm sorry. I don't know how to fix this. I didn't mean for it to become this big thing". After I explained that I just wanted to talk.

It's your own damn fault.
Fuck this cunt* man, go to the Bronx with your beergut and have a field day. Aurel, will you provide room and board for said whoring?

*Girl you have immense feelings for