Fuckin' Chicks

I literally have an empty 1 bedroom apartment that I am watching over for the next 11 months.
I don't fucking know. All I know is that I lost someone I thought was one of my best friends (beside TGD), for a lie.
He just moved back to Iowa. Is engaged. Wedding in October. I have to make the bachelor party. I hung out with him around the 4th and he was telling me how much I suck for not loving Anhedonist.
she said her and her fiance had been dating for 4 years and then he proposed to her.

Super lame and cheesy to lie like that in public. End it with these people STAT.....or possibly do attend the weeding with a smoking hot date and act nonchalant. Then never talk to these people again. They're going to get married, the dude obviously doesn't want you around....could get ugly.
I dont get it, what did you want her to write on their wedding website instead of that?
Nothing. It just seemed like I was forgotten about. I told her I understand why she wrote it that way. It is a lie, and she 'hated' him during that time.
Something that mentioned Brandon

Nah. Even a mention of a break would have been fine. A month before they got engaged she was super angry that he liedntomher about things during their break. At least mention that it wasn't 4 straight years, when it wasn't