Fuckin' Chicks

94% sure it's not me.

So I mention the other chick (Tits n' Tats, as I used to call her) has been a, uh, presence in the last week (we've been split for 3). Liking my shit on FB, texting me early on my birthday morn, etc. Last Monday, she sent me a random message: "Are you doing OK?" Not "How are you doing?" or "What's up?" but "How are you doing?" As if I am not able to survive without her around, that I'm a constant pit of despair. My response: "Better than I've been in quite some time, actually." Her: "That's great." End of conversation.

Then, earlier today, I mentioned something on the internet about having a sober birthday. 15 mins later, she texts me. What follows is the actual conversation, which took place over the span of about 2hrs.

HER: Sober birthday? Very proud of you. :)

ME: heh. when i told you i was quitting, i wasnt lying.

HER: Well I'm glad. Honestly, I didn't believe you.

ME: it probably seemed like i was just sucking up to you. but like i said then, i didnt do it for you. i did it for myself. no offense.

HER: None taken. I'd rather someone do something like that for themselves than for someone else. I'm happy for you.

ME: well, it was a long time coming. that fight with tim....... that sealed the deal. actually feel great. eating better, going to the gym, writing, etc. i kinda went too far the last month in sf, and the first few weeks back here.

HER: I'm glad you're feeling awesome. And I'm very happy you've decided to make such a positive change.

ME: thanks. you sound like an AA sponsor, haha. take care.

HER: Sorry. Haha*

The end.

Now that I think about this interchange, I am slightly pissed off at her. Should I be?

not sure why you should be pissed at her?!?!?!

i gather she might have liked the inebriated Justin better from the convo [/devilonleftshoulder]
yeah this sounded like she wanted to party and then realized this dude is serious ...

sorry, next schmoe.
just re-read the entire thing. I see your point. It's like she was doing this whole co-dependent thing. Now that he is sober, she lost interest.

attn: Justin....perhaps you can pretend to be drunk? You could score AND be at the top of your...shall we say...performance
anytime a chick says "I'm happy for you." ... she's not. unless she's your mom ... well ... mine was tricky with that too.

I'm glad you're feeling awesome. And I'm very happy you've decided to make such a positive change.

= you sound boring now :loco:
^^This is about the dumbest thing ever. So she went out of her way to congratulate me on solving the problem that basically caused our breakup--only to indirectly call me a pussy. Yep. Makes perfect sense

Also: methinks you guys have been so hopelessly domesticated for so long that you've forgotten the kind of shit guys have to deal with on a regular basis. It's psychic warfare out there, especially in the era of text messages, Facebook, etc. I sort of forget whatever it was that established y'alls credibility in the first place :loco:

Anyway, the above shit made me mad mostly because she has taken on (and had before) some kind of motherly role for me: pretending that she cares "how I'm doing" for one or more of the following reasons: 1) to make herself feel like less of an asshole, 2) to pad her own ego, in thinking that she helped me solve my drinking problem, or 3) ensure that I don't hate her. Yeah, she cares for me I guess, and I care about her. We've known each other for eight years. I would legitimately be depressed if she died in a car fire. But, like RiA said, I sort of wish she'd leave me alone for a while, and not keep pretending to be my mama/supporter/savior. I've moved on.

As far as the real reason for dumping me, I'm assuming she wanted someone "mature." That's why she went out and got a tattoo artist who is 14 years older than her and is balding and has a gray beard. :lol:

Now... Jersey girl. I'm not saying I'm going to marry her. She needs to get a few more years under her belt (literally), wise up to the ways of the world and sow her wild oats. (I'm predicting the marriage will happen in 3 years, when I'm 30 and she's 24 :D ) No, probably not her, but I think she is sort of the "prototype" for the type of girl I want: sweet, smart, easy-going and beautiful. That is all very trite, and doesn't describe her particulars very well. So I dunno... She's just got the right feel, yo.

She also happens to be the worst driver I've ever ridden in a car with.
General message to the drama queens of this forum:

Do you like the chickflick-style drama in your life? It doesn't seem like it, and if it's so, STOP dramaing. For fuck's sake.
Or you could just ignore this thread altogether instead of keeping it at the top :) :) :)

(of course, it's one of the domesticated that chimes in first)
the chickflick-style .

Anybody ever eat at Chick-A-Fil (sp?). Just heard that a bunch of raging pickle sniffers had a kiss in at one of their establishments the other day because the President of the company had a few choice comments against dudes who like to get their chapped assholes plugged by sissies sporting handlebar mustaches. Thanks to liberals who have made men in to fountains of effeminate flesh, a true Hondo loving man, who believes that cock is made for the clitoral ground and not the round, can't voice such in a public square without being labeled a bigot. I've seen the billboards, never the establishment, but vow to support this company with Chicken consumption till the dusk of man. I said dusk, not musk, fucking fagggggggggggggs!
Also: methinks you guys have been so hopelessly domesticated for so long that you've forgotten the kind of shit guys have to deal with on a regular basis. It's psychic warfare out there, especially in the era of text messages, Facebook, etc. I sort of forget whatever it was that established y'alls credibility in the first place :loco:

cough cough ... this is exactly why Ken is right ...

chicks that play games will never talk to you straight ...
Also, for the record, none of my shit is DRAMA. I'm not trying to attain anything, I'm not asking for advice, and I'm not upset about anything. Venting/laughing is pretty much all I'm doing here, so fuggovv