Fuckin' Chicks

What I am saying is I think she's right for what she did. I know I am being irrational, but I wanted totalk to her bc I thought she was a friend. That's it. Nothing more
My chicks would never say emo shit like that!

Swizzle, you're still drinking? And you were drunk last night? HE'S ON A SAD-BASTARD BENDER, FOLKS! This is gonna get good......
Nah. Even a mention of a break would have been fine. A month before they got engaged she was super angry that he liedntomher about things during their break. At least mention that it wasn't 4 straight years, when it wasn't

I supported you up until this.! Come on brother, sharing your feelings with the lass is one thing, expecting them to be honest and forthright to their respective families in another matter entirely. Let's be realistic man, this isn't a Fabio novel.
I supported you up until this.! Come on brother, sharing your feelings with the lass is one thing, expecting them to be honest and forthright to their respective families in another matter entirely. Let's be realistic man, this isn't a Fabio novel.

Yeah I was being dumb then. I get why it wasn't there and why they chose what they chose. I see no issue on what they wrote.
Would like to add to this thread. 2 things I discovered today:

1) The girl who dumped me 3 weeks ago, and made me feel like a drunk asshole in the process, is now dating her 38 year old tattoo artist who is ugly as sin. Yet she has been blowing me up lately. (And she texts me as soon as I say this.) WTF!

2) Jersey girl, who I didn't really have a future with, at least anytime soon, just changed her FB status to "in a relationship." She is moving to CA in 3 weeks, and did not mention this fuckface once. I wonder how he feels that she spent all that time with me :lol: WTF!

Bitches be craaaaaaaaaaaazy
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At some point I realized that seducing a single girl requires some small effort, but the average taken/married woman will pretty much beg for it. It's very difficult to imagine being in a relationship with actual trust ever again.
94% sure it's not me.

So I mention the other chick (Tits n' Tats, as I used to call her) has been a, uh, presence in the last week (we've been split for 3). Liking my shit on FB, texting me early on my birthday morn, etc. Last Monday, she sent me a random message: "Are you doing OK?" Not "How are you doing?" or "What's up?" but "How are you doing?" As if I am not able to survive without her around, that I'm a constant pit of despair. My response: "Better than I've been in quite some time, actually." Her: "That's great." End of conversation.

Then, earlier today, I mentioned something on the internet about having a sober birthday. 15 mins later, she texts me. What follows is the actual conversation, which took place over the span of about 2hrs.

HER: Sober birthday? Very proud of you. :)

ME: heh. when i told you i was quitting, i wasnt lying.

HER: Well I'm glad. Honestly, I didn't believe you.

ME: it probably seemed like i was just sucking up to you. but like i said then, i didnt do it for you. i did it for myself. no offense.

HER: None taken. I'd rather someone do something like that for themselves than for someone else. I'm happy for you.

ME: well, it was a long time coming. that fight with tim....... that sealed the deal. actually feel great. eating better, going to the gym, writing, etc. i kinda went too far the last month in sf, and the first few weeks back here.

HER: I'm glad you're feeling awesome. And I'm very happy you've decided to make such a positive change.

ME: thanks. you sound like an AA sponsor, haha. take care.

HER: Sorry. Haha*

The end.

Now that I think about this interchange, I am slightly pissed off at her. Should I be?
Also just found out that two OTHER chicks I used to be in love with just got engaged: one yesterday (my bday) and one today. Had no feelings for them anymore but....... WTF!
Sucks when that happens. Its like you were the asshole that made them throw in the towel.