Fuckin' Chicks

Yeah, those pics prove why I could never be a lesbian. Why some of them look like they've been smushed flat against glass, I dunno. Only #3 and #4 look decent :erk:
The inverted vag can not be natural. These bints gashes have received enough lashes to make the clown japing their gaping question how many other circuses have been in town. Good goat! :ill:
Hey confidant, remember my ex-bint who I went on an fb tirade over a couple years back? Well this bint has the audacity, after I told her to fuck off (inferred in the utmost kindest fashion) to send me a loving email to rekindle a friendship that was as ephemeral as Moose's fap sessions to Mauryleeeeen. Ex-friends, Ex-Co-Workers, Ex-Hyphenated-Hymens, you're no longer in a person's life for a reason, stifle, and get the fuck up down the road all ready!

"I only wonder what type of man you've become. Do you find it in your heart to maybe, just every now and then, share your hopes and dreams with me? There's no reason why we can't stay in touch."

Stupid fucking sow! I delved a little deeper to find a motive, and after brief research on some asinine blog in which shes shares her inner most vapid thoughts, that the "love of her life v.6" had "left her in despair". F.O.A.D

"A woman needs a man's shoulder, just as much as a man needs a woman's vunt." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hello Jerry,

I just wanted to send you a late birthday wish. I didn't forget... how can I? it's basically the "tax" birthday :)
anyway.. I emailed you before and you didn't reply so I thought better to leave you alone- but... you know what? It's okay. I don't mind if you don't reply.
I want to wish you a happy birthday- even if it's late- so happy birthday! I hope you had a really lovely day.... and I sent you nice thoughts that day.

Hope all is well with you, and with your family.

I'm in California! I think I mentioned that to you... I drove past your area a few times-just on the freeway- I have some family in Pasadena..

anyway.. well I'm leaving again - to Europe. Actually this Friday...
I know you're answer but I'll try anyway.... would you like to meet me for a coffee? no.. I didn't think you would. :)

Take care,


It's really no big deal, I simply don't bother to reply. The fact that she is still clinging to the hope of rekindling a flame that was gone half way through the relationship is rather pitiful. I hardly even saw this broad the last 4 months we were together, as at that point she was in the midst of cajoling her coast to coast cyber papi in making his way over to the Golden State. The only thing that perturbs me is her usage of ellipses in place of commas. Fucking vunt!
Fuckin' chicks indeed. I had a really good thing going with one I'd just met at the beginning of the year, then she up and left out of nowhere without any signs or omens or whatever you want to call 'em. Whole thing only lasted a couple months but it really got to me since we'd got along so well and she'd given me every indication that we were going to be in it for at least some decent span of time.

I'm sure this shit is pretty common, its just never went that way for me before and now I can't help but wonder what the fuck her problem might be. She'll still tell me I'm a great guy and treated her so well etc but it just didn't seem like the right time, whatever that means, and I know I shouldn't be talking to her these days but hey, such is life right?

I think you've got the right idea here Jerry, "get the fuck up down the road!" :lol::lol:
Never got the chance, no :lol: She was one of them virginal types, which took me aback 'cause she was one of the most outgoing and genial ladies one could hope to meet, and not bad looking at all. Serious fear of commitment issues, I'd say.
just wanted to say that soon i've been with my ladyfriend for two years

all good so far