Fuckin' rattlesnakes!!!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
My brother killed the first rattlesnake of the season yesterday . . . and yesterday evening his super-nice big yellow lab was bitten by one. Luckily she made it back to the house, where she collapsed, and my brother rushed her to the vet. She was in a lot of pain, and her leg got super swollen. The vet was optimistic, but we won't know if she's fine until tomorrow. They gave her anti-inflammatory steroids and an antibiotic. Apparently dogs don't get antivenom.

My puppy is best friends with my brothers lab. They do everything together. So my puppy could have easily been bitten. I don't think she would have made it back to the house. They go way out in the pasture, just messing around. This morning my puppy is wondering around trying to figure out where her friend is.

This is why you kill every rattlesnake you see!!!

Oh . . . the Rattlesnake Roundup (a local event) was last weekend, and one of the handlers was bitten. I don't feel sorry for him. He was asking for it. I feel sorry for a dog, though.:grin:
The snake probably thought is was being threatened. Still, that's no excuse to attack a lab!! Kill them!! Kill them all!!!!

Your life is like a rollercoaster, Nate. One minute, you're in sunny CA, working in a bank and checking out the girls in their thongs on the beach. The next, you turn into Grizzly Adams. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Your life is like a rollercoaster, Nate. One minute, you're in sunny CA, working in a bank and checking out the girls in their thongs on the beach. The next, you turn into Grizzly Adams. :loco:

Gotta keep things exciting!

Instead of suit and tie, I now wear steel toe boots and pliers. Of course technology is still very much a part of everyday life on the farm. Its not like a farm you might see on TV. Our tractors have auto-steer. All I have to do is trun it around at the end of the field.
Yesterday my father saw his stupid dog sniffing at a fucking adder in the backyard. In panic he caught the thing with his bare hands and it started coiling around his arm, looking for an opening to bite. He finally got rid of it by throwing it over the wall, right into the neighbour's garden :tickled:

Snakes suck. I love snails, though.
Sucks to hear about the dog, I hope she makes it! I love snakes, and ones like rattlers fascinate me, but I'd have no problem wasting one if need be. Oddly enough even spending as much time in the desert as I have, I've never seen a rattler in person before. I hope I never do honestly.

Lots of sidewinders though. :rock:

I'll PM you. What does the package contain? Candy and porno?

Oh yeah, sidewinders are rattlers (had to look it up because I forgot :loco: ), but I've never seen a diamondback out here, apparently there are plenty of them though.
California has more varieties of rattlers than any other place on earth. California also has the most deadly rattler in the world. I can't remember which kind it is, though. Not diamondback.

We just have prarie rattlesnakes . . . and supposedly diamondbacks. No matter what, any rattlesnake will do some major damage. The rattlesnakes out here can put a horse out of commision for a month. My brother-in-law had it happen to two of his horses last summer.

Always wear boots in the summer out here . . . when in the country.