FUCKIN' SLAYER! A concert review

One song from hell awaits ?

what a bunch of crap.

I'm not paying 50 dollars or whatever. When people are talking about tours like this in metal that's when you know it is dead.
I would like to make something clear. I have no love for Bodom but Mastodon really sucked. I don't know how they sound on the album, but they rivaled Bodom in wankery, and the rest was just chugging. It was painful to listen to.
Hege said:
I see your point, a a true black fan can't really like music which differs greatly from that genre.

Well that isn't what I was suggesting and I don't agree.

Carcassian said:
Hmmmmm, I thought Mastodon were an obscenely average outfit.

I didn't expect you to like them but Remission is one of my favourite albums, like, ever. So no I don't think they're average.
cookiecutter said:
Hello everyone!

I have just awoken after a long night of metal at the unholy alliance tour in Lowell Massachusetts. Here's how it went.

The Crowd: About 2/3 mallgoths and hardcore kids, but the real metalheads were out in force in the form of people wearing thrash and death metal shirts. I got a few compliments on my Pierced From Within T-Shirt. Anyway they were fine, although it was a different atmosphere than I was used to from the smaller venue I've been to.

Thine Eyes Bleed: Good for an opening band. Had a few good moments, but nothing special. If you like thrash with metalcore vocals you probably will like them.

Mastodon: This band blew me away... by how completely and utterly bad they were. I can't even describe how terrible this band was. They descended into realms of suckery I didn't even know existed. Needless to say I was happy when Children of Bodom came on.

Children of Bodom: Pretty meh for me, but Zephyrus liked it. They were good for what they were and put on a nice show, and seemed like cool guys.

Lamb of God: Really boring for me. Not bad, as I can see what they're trying to do, it just didn't work for me. The vocalist shaved off his goofy devilock and seemed to channel Lord Worm at times, but always went back to his crappy scream thing. The Shadows Fall singer, the dude with the long dreadlocks, made a guest appearance as well. The hardcore/mallgoths loved this set.

Slayer: Slayer came on at 9:45 and I had been there for 4 and a half hours and had had to sit through 4 bands to see them. As soon as the first notes of South of Heaven came on, all was forgiven. It was amazing. They only played 2 songs past season, and one was Cult which I kind of like. Toms vocals seemed very good, and the guitar playing was very good. Dave Lombardo was of course amazing. The only thing that was odd was that Tom stopped singing and let the audience sing a lot of the parts, and no one could hear anything the audience said. They also had a projection screen above them theat showed images depending on the song. The best part of the show was the last song, Angel of Death. Zephyrus and I were just standing up singing along the whole song. It was amazing. All in all, Slayer was worth every penny and being forced to sit through four other bands of questionable quality.

Setlist from what I can remember:
South of Heaven
Silent Scream
War Ensemble
Dead Skin Mask
Mandatory Suicide
Seasons in the Abyss
Raining Blood
Chemical Warfare
Hell Awaits
The Antichrist
Angel of Death

Man I need to go. Anyone planning on going to the San Jose show in July? Any want to? The only person I know who would want to go might not be able to. :erk:
I just saw the show last night. It kind of pissed me off cause Lamb of God had a bigger mosh than Slayer. (hell Slayer didn't have much of a mosh at all) Lamb of God were good but Slayer still completely blew them away.
cookiecutter said:
Yeah that's what I was thinking.

What really pissed me off tho is that the first half of Slayer's set there was some moshing going on but after a couple songs everybody just gave it up and even on Angel of Death where I was expecting a massive pit nobody did shit it really sucked.
Cool to hear Slayer was awesome. Its pretty pricey for the bands they're showing (I only want to see Slayer and CoB) and I'll be going to the Vancouver show.

Pretty weird how Lamb of God got a bigger moshpit then Slayer.
cookiecutter said:
Well it was Massachusetts, home to a lot of metalcore, so there were probably a lot of metalcore fans there, but still, it was Slayer. I was disapointed in the lack of moshing.

Mine was Cincinnati and there was still a lack of moshing for Slayer there too. I actually saw more Lamb of God shirts than Slayer shirts. I think it has something to do with all the mallgoths polluting the metal scene today. They have no respect for old-school thrash. The guy in front of me was cool though. I was talkin to him and he was like "Yeah some people are here just to see Lamb of God and Mastodon I don't know about you but I'm here to see fuckin Slayer!" That made my day.