FUCKIN' SLAYER! A concert review

MasterOLightning said:
Mastodon is the best band on the bill, ha.

The people who yell "Slayer" at every concert ever are idiots. Die.
Give me a fucking break. Slayer owns your ass.
Hege said:
Metallica sucks harder and it's a band that even people not from the metal scene know.
I see your point, a a true black fan can't really like music which differs
greatly from that genre.

Slayer and Metallica shit all over the other bands :kickass: and i like lamb of god

ESP would make a sig guitar for anyone thats 'famous' enough

Haha i'm the guy that yells "FUCKING LEILAND" at concerts :rock:
MasterOLightning said:
Mastodon is the best band on the bill, ha.

The people who yell "Slayer" at every concert ever are idiots. Die.

I prefer that then 15 year old fat goths who walk past with a My Chemical Romance shirt and go "Wow you like Children of Bodom? COOL! ROCK ON MAN!"

Or watching Simple Plan on TV and seeing a crowd give the horns.
Mastodon is a far better band in the now than slayer. Mastodon are great musicians being different in the now while slayer have been washed out for 15 years.
Hege said:
I don't know guys what you don't like about Bodom.

I saw them open for Dimmu Borgir about 2 1/2 years ago. Technically, they could play quite well, live, but I thought their tunes were crap.
Firstly, COB are just pure orgasm. Anyone who doesn't like them can go roll over and die.

Mastadon blows pretty bad...

Lamb of God are pretty fucking rad.

Slayer... omg... please... I was going to go to see the Vancouver showing just for these babies... god I love Slayer... sold out so fucking fast though... :(
I think he's pretty dead on actually. I don't see why everyone at this board hates COB so much. My only problem with their show was they played only 6 songs and none of which were my favorite.
Hege said:
I don't know guys what you don't like about Bodom. Of course,
for a Mastodon fan, COB is rather happy metal than heavy or power
or I don't know what kind of style it is. But what the hell, I have
all of their albums and they have quite a lot of good songs (especially on the older albums).
I' ve never been to a Bodom concert, but people tell it sucks, much better
if u listen to it on your stereo.
Another thing to mention: ESP has just created an Alexi Laiho
signature guitar. I don't think ESP would create a signature guitar
for a band that's worth shit.

its wanky, plain and simple. I hate that shit.