fucking emo sob's

Yeah Joonas is gonna get pissed! (now that his pictures been posted)
No Heavenscent not down there!

Back on topic : I like emo......when it's turned off!
bodomite said:
I personally would shoot mah 50cal beretta at em if they threw shit at my place..... because if they are on my prop i can legally kill em and get away with it :)


a 50 cal round?
predator666 said:
ok this is hilarious, i met this guy and seemed alright at first, but than he started talking about how depressed he was the other night. he started showing me all the scars on his wrists

Naturally i started laughing my ass off and he got all mad. he started doing some hilarious stuff... he talked to me about how physical pain makes the emotional pain go away. i stared at him a second and punched him. < i though that was funny, he obviously didnt. now he and all his little emo friends are forming a little gang and throwing shit at my house. I really think i should do something... anyway i just think its hilarious how gay emo people are

haha your sig looks like a penis