god damn nad said:
but seriously.

i mean i find it VERY difficult to believe that anyone into extreme metal can't at least give slayer the nod, even if they hate thrash like you do. but then again, i absolutely adore slayer so obviously i'm biased.

ya, i give 'em a nod of respect even if their music blows.
how the song Raining Blood cannot give someone goose bumps even after 500 listens ... it's really beyond me
lurch70 said:
how the song Raining Blood cannot give someone goose bumps even after 500 listens ... it's really beyond me

i think they can do it again. i'm not going to get my hopes up, but i'll probably buy it on release day either way. i mean, it's fucking slayer.
in all honesty ...and a) I like heathen and b) am not looking for brownie points ...

but Lethal sounds more fresh and brutal than the new Heathen
lurch70 said:
brownie points
haha my (german) computer science prof said that all the time last semester

he also continuously referred to the grass hill outside the classroom as the "grassy knoll" and i'm quite sure he didn't get the reference
i remember what i DID NOT like about Heathen in the early days with these new songs ... it's those annoying Russian folk music inspired riffs and melodies ... which are so obvious especially if you are from Eastern Europe like me.
lurch70 said:
i remember what i DID NOT like about Heathen in the early days with these new songs ... it's those annoying Russian folk music inspired riffs and melodies ... which are so obvious especially if you are from Eastern Europe like me.
but those are killer y'know
hey are gypsies good in the sack?

i mean i don't know if you know, but you're probably the best person to ask around here. :loco:
ia m just glad that Negura does not use them often .. and when they do, they use really obscure folk elements from Romania ... but that heathen stuff is such obviously cheesy popular folk song melodies from Russia.
Demonspell said:
Jager, public drunkenness, Al Bundy, pop slut lust, Slayer...the most testosterone-drenched thread in the histroy of RC, and that's saying something.

Don't forget the man hugs.
Now all we need are meat pies and beer.
just caught a glimpse of Anchorman on HBO ... Applegate is really not that hot in this flick at all ... forgot she was even in this flick