Fucking kicked out of a venue

CliffBurton said:
did teh f4ns gr4b ur A$$?

yeah, i think getting buttsex is worse than the bar on fire. Bar on fire is like 10 seconds of "OMG!!! *pour some water on*"

While Buttsex is like 10 seconds of "OMG" followed by years of "wtf?"

hahahaha im guessing you know this from experience?
Crowd surfers are usually my main reason regarding a decision not to get to close. I'm indifferent to why ppl go ahead and do it. But it fills me with a rage when I am trying to watch the band and I'm constantly having ppl fall on top of me or getting kicked in the head. A lot of the shows I've been to, you end up spending more time making sure these ppl don't break your neck then you do actually watching the band.

I've never even seen anybody get told to cut it out here, let alone kicked out for it.