Fucking kicked out of a venue

I got kicked out of a show before BTW. I saw Bodom at the HOB in Anaheim and met some Bodom fan there. The next day at the Bodom show in Hollywood, I saw the same guy I saw in Anaheim. So after Bodom was done with their set, we started talking and I asked hime to buy me a beer because I was only 20 at the time. He said okay and then right as I started drinking it, some security guard was like "Hey! Let me see your wrist band" I had the underage wrist band on so I got kicked out. Some came up to me outside and said, "You could've got my club shut down. You're not allowed back in! Come back again!" I missed 1/4 to 1/2 of Lamb of God's set before the same person that bought me the beer helped me sneak back in by distracting the security guard.
you ninja.....pirates always drink waht they want and dont have to "sneak" back into any place

we just barge our way in
Sweet! If you guys go to the Bodom show, give me a PM or something cuz' it'd be great to meet up and get a drink or something! We'll get real hammered and then pwn some little kids in downtown Disney after the show :lol: