Fucking kicked out of a venue

Profanity said:
because they don't exist.
they do.
Profanity said:
Getting kicked out pwns. It's even cooler when someone has to physically remove you and you put up a good battle or keep coming back.


When I was at Bodom Nov 11th, we walked into the venure at 5pm becuase some fool left the door unlocked. So we had a short chat with Johan and I had t get back out to sell an extra ticket I had. 7 of us went in, me and my 2 friends, and 4 guys that where at the front of the line with us. of the 4, 1 was really drunk, and only 2 of the 4 came out later. The drunk and one freind sateyd inside to cause a ruckus.

The Drunk dude was grabbing the micrphone on the stage and yelling into it and being overall awesome, when some securtiy came up and told them to leave. They were thrown out the back door by force, someone told me they were tossed into the garbge but I cant remeber if this is true or now. Drunk guy cut his thumb in thr process....

I dont know, thought it was cool.