Funny misheard lyrics...

Aug 29, 2004
I'm sure this has been done before, but whatever

When I first heard Benighted, I thought
"What came and distorted your sight"
sounded like
"Cavemen distorded your sight"
There's a line in In Mist She Was Standing that sounds like "clitoris race". It's in the first few lines. And it's not pronounced like "CLItoris" it's like "cliTORis". I'm not sure what the actual lyric is because I just hear CLITORIS RAAACE every time.

I just checked, it's contorted trees. But go check it out yourself. I SWEAR it sounds MORE like clitoris race than contorted trees.
The "Rain washing clean all the sins" line in The Funeral Portrait always sounded like "Brainwashed king of the sins" to me.