funny pictures thread!

^:lol: , that was good. Still dont get the elephant one though

this one is just funny
On the first one, look at the window in the door.
On the second one, try NOT looking at the picture of the graveyard and actually looking at the entire image. :p
Because there's nothing in it. I once tried to find a my pals in it for about an hour, then it turned out it was a fake.:(
And I don't see what's in the one with the dog. Hmm.


^^in the top right corner of the entire picture, in the black area

thanks ross, and thanks hox, i know i'll never learn on my own though, that's just what you were trying to teach me :p
cant say i care too much for the amount of blatte's in malmö. Malmö has the most of any other swedish city and guess what, Malmö also has the most crime :erk: