funny pictures thread!

This thread is amazing.

Stuff like this is just insane. After a house party I was at once a dude told me that the next morning when he went to the shops, he had bourbon biscuits in his wallet and dicks all over his arms hahaha.
my friends and i all made a deal, if you pass out drunk, you get one free pass, after that were free to draw dicks on their face.

so far im the only one who used mine...

A "friend" got his hair shaved (they left some random tufts) when he passed out, they also shaved his eyebrows, pretty fuckng mean. Next morning when he woke up he went to the bathroom, looks in the mirror and he instantly vomits, propably from the chock. :)
@isolation_years : That seems like a pretty awesome deal actually, I tend to get drunk with people who wouldn't go too far, I mean like theres drawing stuff and then there is being shaved. D: I only really drink top shelf though, may be the reason why I find it difficult to sleep on a night out, at house parties I'm pretty much always the last one to sleep :o

@Qth: Oh holy shit, see that'd be it for me man, I wouldn't be into that. Hair takes too long to grow back haha, I'm in the shitty stage of growing mine back after cutting it so if this happened to me i'd be gutted!
:lol: i had a friend with shoulder length hair (didnt know him at this point), and he fell asleep and they shaved half of his head.

he showed me pics of how he rocked half a head of hair for about a month ahaha

This is Jhouhakhähm. I think he is very funny because he has a beard and looks like a death metal teddybear. :)

I have also posted this elsewhere, too.
it comes with time :lol:, mine comes with laziness, i shave like once every couple months :lol:, been using the same razor for 2 years

its just so god damn thick