Funny stage rants...

spawn said:
*Dantes Inferno ends*
"Well, we just went through hell together, felt pretty fucking good, didnt it?" :lol: Thats gold Kem... GOLD!

Yep spawn, but I reckon the funniest bit is after that when he carries on.

"Well, there's no reason why we can't go up into the heavens right now!"
*crowd moderately responds*
"Is that OK???"

And Desert Rain:
"Let's take a trip...into the desert right now...and watch the rain come falling down. This one's called Desert Rain!"

And Last December
"This next song is about two lost souls, who chose to be together in death because they could not be together in life. This happened in the last month! This one's called...LAST DECEMBER!"

Ahh Matt *shakes head*
I believe its Matt-UH! Sydo :)

Ahh the Desert Rain intro... :lol: I wonder if he spent the morning thinking those up?

(The reason you cant hear the crowd is because they turned them right down because they overpowered the band, Jon said in an interview, which sucks! But its still a great album :notworthy )
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hansi: "Last night, we took a plane ride to get here, so you could say, we took a Journey Through The Dark!" :lol:
TinMan666 said:
I downloaded some stuff from their webpage a while back and the guitar wasn't in tune.

I only know one guy in that band so I shouldn't tar the rest the rest of them with the same brush. This dude is walking (for now) proof that you can be friendly and personable but NOT a nice guy. Trust me on this one.

Anyway I should stop shooting my mouth of on the internet and go back to biding my time. I'm just a bit grumpy today due to sleep deprevation.
Ahh ok. I remember those clips, I have them on a CD. That was just a rehearsal they taped, a LONG time ago with a completely different lineup.

I haven't had any problems with him and I know him pretty well now... *Shrug* And the rest of the guys are really nice..
Trixxi Trash said:
I haven't had any problems with him and I know him pretty well now... *Shrug* And the rest of the guys are really nice..
you know which one I'm talking about?

just don't go into any business dealings with him or let him have anything to do with your girlfriend.

He tried to get my ex to fuck him by threatening to kill himself if she refused. Also my ex is his defacto's little sister.

(this line editted so that I can still claim self defence...) He's litterally a foot taller and at least 30 kilos heavier than me, and he ran off like a scared little girl last time I saw him.