Black Adder leads us all
Originally posted by Sadistik
I say: Dimmu would still bore me to tears...
I'll second that...It's pity Simen isn't in a band that could really use his talent...
Originally posted by Sadistik
I say: Dimmu would still bore me to tears...
Originally posted by Xaplan
As for me Borknagar kicks Dimmu, and Anathema kicks them both
Originally posted by Morningrise
I love Dimmu, I don't see why so many people hate them. You're missing out in my opinion.
Originally posted by Morningrise
I love Dimmu, I don't see why so many people hate them. You're missing out in my opinion.
Originally posted by Morningrise
I love Dimmu, I don't see why so many people hate them. You're missing out in my opinion.
Originally posted by Borknagar121
what did I miss?.............yeah shaggy rulz
Originally posted by Xaplan
Originally posted by Eldzik:
"ehhhhhhh... teenagers... "
I don't really understand what's the connection with beeing teenage, and beeing a fan anathema...![]()
Originally posted by Borknagar121
can we share the translation pls. hee hee
Originally posted by Xaplan
Ja wiem... Anathema dalej pozostala wielkim zespolem i napewno wielu ludzi zgodziloby sie ze mna. Wiesz to tez zalezy od podejscia. Niektorzy wola Viking black, a inni wola melancholic metal i tutaj calosc sprowadza sie do gustow...
Ja osobiscie wole Anatheme, a herezja to dlatego, ze wypowiadam sie na forum o Borku, a nie o Anathemie...