Future of Borknagar

Originally posted by Xaplan
As for me Borknagar kicks Dimmu, and Anathema kicks them both :)


ehhhhhhh... teenagers... maybe time to sleep now? but yes, it's truth - Borkie kicks Dimmu, but imho Anathema is dead now... it's sad...
Originally posted by Morningrise
I love Dimmu, I don't see why so many people hate them. You're missing out in my opinion.

hmm... i like very much "Puritanical...", it's one of the best albums 2001 (better is only The Black League and Borkie), but their previous albums and live show is poor. that's all about DB
Originally posted by Morningrise
I love Dimmu, I don't see why so many people hate them. You're missing out in my opinion.

Personally, I can't say I hate them, I just don't find anything interesting in their music. When I put one of their album in the stereo I can't listen to it till the end, somehow they don't keep my interest alive for long. The only release I find interesting is their ep "Inn I Evighetens Morke" mostly because of the melodies. I must admit though that I haven't heard For All Tid or Stormblast so I can't comment on them...
And I listen to Dimmu because of Simen. ;) No, but I only really have the last two albums. And from time to time, they're okay. But they do nothing special for me (as Borkie does), and I soon get tired of their music.
Originally posted by Xaplan
Originally posted by Eldzik:

"ehhhhhhh... teenagers... "

I don't really understand what's the connection with beeing teenage, and beeing a fan anathema... :confused:


chodzi po prostu o to, ze nie rozumiem jak mozna mowic, iz Anathema jest lepsza od Borkow? to herezja;) Anathema BYLA wielkim zespole lat temu kilka. kiedy wydali "Silent Enigma" to bylem oczarowany ta plyta, jak i ich koncertami. teraz niestety Anathema jest tylko covebandem grajacym zamiast swoja muzyke covery Pink Floyd. "Judgement" byla jeszcze wielka plyta, ale "A fine Day..." jest slaniutka. poza tym 2 lata temu mialem okazje imprezowac z chlopakami i zmienilem o nich diametralnie zdanie... Danny jeszcze potrafi sie zachowac, ale pozostali to zwykle dzieciaki...
Ja wiem... Anathema dalej pozostala wielkim zespolem i napewno wielu ludzi zgodziloby sie ze mna. Wiesz to tez zalezy od podejscia. Niektorzy wola Viking black, a inni wola melancholic metal i tutaj calosc sprowadza sie do gustow...
Ja osobiscie wole Anatheme, a herezja to dlatego, ze wypowiadam sie na forum o Borku, a nie o Anathemie...

Originally posted by Borknagar121
can we share the translation pls. hee hee

no way!!! hehehe... we take command on Borkie forum:p JUST KIDDING!
Originally posted by Xaplan
Ja wiem... Anathema dalej pozostala wielkim zespolem i napewno wielu ludzi zgodziloby sie ze mna. Wiesz to tez zalezy od podejscia. Niektorzy wola Viking black, a inni wola melancholic metal i tutaj calosc sprowadza sie do gustow...
Ja osobiscie wole Anatheme, a herezja to dlatego, ze wypowiadam sie na forum o Borku, a nie o Anathemie...


tiaaa... o gustach sie nie dyskutuje, ale faktem jest ze herezja jest gloszenie takich rzeczy na forum Borkow:grin: