Future of Borknagar

Originally posted by Xaplan
Yes, I'm not listening music because band. But Nergal was (some years ago) a good man. When they released Satanica he wasn't such asshole. He became fool when Mystic Art released their Thelema 6 (by the way CD is Great!!!). I don't stopped to listen their music. I just hate Nergal.... grrr


he was asshole and thief before "Satanica". he stolen Inferno and Baal's cash (and bought hause and car - hehe). they created then band called WITZ (it's Nergal's real surname. he is a REAL jude), but later Nergal paid some cash Inferno and he became Behemoth's drummer again... anyway, Nergal is smart bastard, because Inferno, Havoc (do you know Xaplan his real name? MATEUSZ SMIERZCHALSKI - funny...) and Novy are very good musicans on stage and studio - there is reason why Behemoth is very good band...
Originally posted by Borknagar121
music is for fans

I really disagree with you here. I think music is first a way of expression for the artist and then the fans can decide if they like it or not. I believe better albums are created when the artist doesn't give a damn about what the fans think. Anyway, I'm not here to defend Nergal, I'm not that big a Behemoth fan and I don't know him personally...I just expressed my opinion on what he said.
Originally posted by Kveldssanger

I really disagree with you here. I think music is first a way of expression for the artist and then the fans can decide if they like it or not.

i agree, but Nergal ISN'T artist...
About Nergal...I also don't like that poser, but come on, did he do something wrong to you to hate him? I only don't respect that "son of a bitch", but he's not so important for me to hate him! Btw, he plays also in Wolverine which i think is great.
Originally posted by Thorgrimm
About Nergal...I also don't like that poser, but come on, did he do something wrong to you to hate him?

indirectly yes, but it's looong story
Originally posted by Thorgrimm

Oh...did he?:o that's bastard!...what did he do?

o pewnych rzeczach glosno sie nie mowi. przynajmniej obcym;) watpie czy Norwedzy lub Szwedzi z tego forum powinni wiedziec co za (niestety) chujowa scene mamy w Polsce:( krotko mowiac: odejscie Havoca na 3 tygodnie przed sesja nagraniowa Enter Chaos kosztowalo mnie sporo kasy, a moja zone niepotrzebnych nerwow

No coz tak to jest, jak sie pracuje z takimi ludzmi, jak rozkapryszeni Behemociarze. Niestety nie masz Ci wplywu na to, co sil stanie we lbie takiego kolesia i co mu strzeli do srodka.

Jedno, co jest wazne to to, ze nie lubimy go we trzech i mozemy zalozyc partie Anty-Nergallowa...

:goggly:, swoja droga ten usmieszek jest rozbrajajacy... :)

Originally posted by Xaplan

No coz tak to jest, jak sie pracuje z takimi ludzmi, jak rozkapryszeni Behemociarze. Niestety nie masz Ci wplywu na to, co sil stanie we lbie takiego kolesia i co mu strzeli do srodka.

Jedno, co jest wazne to to, ze nie lubimy go we trzech i mozemy zalozyc partie Anty-Nergallowa...

akurat Havoc jest w porzo. niestety jest mlody i chce/musi sie sluchac Nergaja:( szkoda, bo jest milion razy lepszym gitarzysta i showmanem od niego. hmmm... co do partii to bardzo ciekawa propozycja. mysle, ze mielibysmy wielu czlonkow partyjnych:p
Originally posted by Thorgrimm
All what you say Eldzik and Xaplan...that's all true, but maybe we should stop talking in Polish (bo siê Szwedzi i Norwedzy wkurz¹ ;) mo¿e jak bêdzie nas wiêcej to za³o¿ymy polskiego treada)

i agree, but we must sop talking about Nergal:p
1) is u speak anything rather than English.........I feel left out, and missing all the fun

2) yeah lets get back to topic...........I think vortex should go back to Bork as a reg member and a session in Dimmu, only for the clean vox, hell he doesn't do death growls anymore...............
Originally posted by Borknagar121yeah lets get back to topic...........I think vortex should go back to Bork as a reg member and a session in Dimmu, only for the clean vox, hell he doesn't do death growls anymore...............

Hey man, with whole respect to Simen (i love his vocal, he's GREAT!) i don't think Borkanagar need new vocalist when they have Vintersorg! He's voice fits to that band perfectly. So I want Vintersorg to be a vosalist!
(Btw, Empiricism it's just the first album with Mr V. so let him stay at least another one, to make a tradition :D )
Originally posted by Thorgrimm

Hey man, with whole respect to Simen (i love his vocal, he's GREAT!) i don't think Borkanagar need new vocalist when they have Vintersorg! He's voice fits to that band perfectly. So I want Vintersorg to be a vosalist!

i agree in 100%;) and imho needless to say that mr. V is a FAN of Borkie, not usual musican who pleyed in this band (as was Vortex is think)