Game: The ultimate band

King Chaos said:
Scaleo has a few minus votes saved up.
Yeah, I honestly don't know about any of the bands except In Flames now... and with Pet Shop Boys gone I don't know what to vote minus on =\
Can I add a new band perhaps?
haha you guys don't get it do you. :p... It's an ultimate band thing. all the bands but one will be eliminated. Help other people, plot against, anything! Bands must fall. If you like them all equally, do ip-dip-do. You can't loose if every band there is your favourite. And it's not insulting to -1 something when the bands left are as mighty as these. For instance, even though I love neurosis, You should be looking to pick it off now its the only band in single figures... or save it, something. I dunno.

And you bastards have already voted out Meshuggah, who were my tip for the top.

And about cheating, I haven't noticed much of it, except not -1ing stuff. Most things that appear as cheating are actually people forgetting to take of the (+2)s of the people before them.
16 - Solefald
19 - Primordial
13 - VNV Nation
23 - Katatonia
20 - Omnium Gatherum
11 - Lilitu
6 - Neurosis -2
14 - Enslaved
32 - In Flames +2

The only reason i keep voting negative for Neurosis is becuase its the only band left on the list i've heard that i dont like... So to QRV, who believes i have bad taste in music, im sorry that none of the bands i listen to are on this list, bit i was disapointed with "the eye of every storm" and since i've never heard of the other bands, neurosis has to go!
16 - Solefald
21 - Primordial +2
13 - VNV Nation
23 - Katatonia
20 - Omnium Gatherum
11 - Lilitu
6 - Neurosis
14 - Enslaved
30 - In Flames -2

In flames needs to be taken down a notch
Creator_Failure said:
The only reason i keep voting negative for Neurosis is becuase its the only band left on the list i've heard that i dont like... So to QRV, who believes i have bad taste in music, im sorry that none of the bands i listen to are on this list, bit i was disapointed with "the eye of every storm" and since i've never heard of the other bands, neurosis has to go!

We'll see about that :p

What astonishes me is that Opeth, once praised as the greatest shit ever, went down quite easily, and In Flames is up with 30 points even though everything they've put out over the course of this decade isn't worth a smelly crap.

And Meshuggah went down. That's fucking sacrilege! :yell:
16 - Solefald
21 - Primordial
15 - VNV Nation +2
23 - Katatonia
20 - Omnium Gatherum
11 - Lilitu
8 - Neurosis
12- Enslaved -2
28 - In Flames
16 - Solefald
20 - Primordial
14 - VNV Nation
25 - Katatonia
20 - Omnium Gatherum
11 - Lilitu
10 - Neurosis (+2) Eat dick haterzz!11
12- Enslaved
26 - In Flames (-2)

Anyone heard the in flames song with the scratty dog femetal vocalist on? Sounds like someone drowning a bag of kittens. Probably was. 'Cos not only are in flames a bit shit, cocky, and not worthy of any points but they also abuse animals. A point for in flames is a point for animal cruelty.