Gamers Thread

It's been out for years though hasn't it? I heard it was more focused on PvP then other RPGs so it intrigued me. Can anyone else give me any insight on this?

play it, it's great.

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Um, you can hack the shit out of them and play ROMs of most older systems on them and they're just generally great and useful but, OK.
At the moment many people would say the XBOX with the whole "exclusive games and better multiplayer" argument, but PS3 is the winner in the future, imo ps3 has the best exclusive games such as God Of War, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Little Big World, and with upcoming games such as LA Noir, Infamous and Heavy Rain it looks good. I never play multiplayer either so i couldn't care less about the supposed upperhand XBOX has there.
X-Box Live is a monthly subscription, while PlayStation Network is free.

PlayStation also has exclusive rights to the Tekken series, and I'm guessing the third title in the ICO / Shadow of the Colossus trilogy will be PS exclusive as well. Also, PS3 plays BlueRay discs and DVDs, and different consoles have varying degrees of backward compatibility with PSX and PS2 games. I don't think X-Box 360 is BlueRay compatible and I have no idea whether or not it's backward compatible with original X-Box games.
XBox Live Silver, which is all you need to play online, is free.
360 is fairly backwards compatible... most of the time you just download something off XBox Live and you can play the game.
Tekken is stupid, but yeah, God of War and The Ico/SoTC series belong to PS3.
Though, most games are coming out for all systems now.
Xbox 360 was way better for a while based solely on games available. This is changing though. It is now getting to the point were I want a PS3 becasue of the great games that are being released for it. That and a blue-ray would be nice.
Is it just me, or are fewer games coming out for consoles? It seemed like in the last two generations there were more worthy games. Nowadays there seems to be so little for people who want to play non-FPS games. Not counting rhythm games, which are a relatively new niche. The new generation machines are still damn expensive, too.
Is it just me, or are fewer games coming out for consoles? It seemed like in the last two generations there were more worthy games. Nowadays there seems to be so little for people who want to play non-FPS games. Not counting rhythm games, which are a relatively new niche. The new generation machines are still damn expensive, too.

I think I know what you're saying, I think it has more to do with less quality games coming out. Having to sift through the heaps of junk to find a decent game is starting to make playing games a chore. I think games have just become less challenging in general. Also, I consider myself an FPS fan but I find most of the games to be lackluster, solely because I typically buy games for multiplayer and don't even bother with completing the single-player campaigns/stories and the multiplayer seems to be an afterthought in some games. God, Valve needs to release a new counter-strike that is similar to the original so I can stop being so bored of gaming.
Well...yeah, but haven't you ever wanted to have every system PORTABLE?! :p

Laptops are portable.

So, I'm on the verge of beating Final Fantasy IX.
I somehow beat Kuja with one character left, with one fucking hit point remaining.
I have no elixirs, ethers, stuff like that. My entire party is fucking weak because I never paid much attention to the development of their abilities and such... I had to run from all the monsters in the final dungeon because they had a tendency to kill the shit out of me.

...Now, Necron? I have a savestate at the menu right before the fight, and I seem to be screwed. Neutron Ring has a tendency to wipe out my entire party all at once.
Laptops are portable.

So, I'm on the verge of beating Final Fantasy IX.
I somehow beat Kuja with one character left, with one fucking hit point remaining.
I have no elixirs, ethers, stuff like that. My entire party is fucking weak because I never paid much attention to the development of their abilities and such... I had to run from all the monsters in the final dungeon because they had a tendency to kill the shit out of me.

...Now, Necron? I have a savestate at the menu right before the fight, and I seem to be screwed. Neutron Ring has a tendency to wipe out my entire party all at once.

I was stuck on that last asshole..go google a walkthrough and find out where to buy the auto-haste boots and then have everyone learn auto-haste and just spam group heals with ur chick and basically that fight is EZ MODE