Gamers Thread

I bought Bioshock off of Steam yesterday... haven't started playing it yet.
I don't know if anyone has seen, but Steam is having a massive after Christmas sale... I got Bioshock for only $5. Every single item is on sale, and most have been marked down pretty significantly.
Got fallout 3 working. This game is awesome. Now I must prevent it from crashing every 10 seconds. It crashes every time I go into the eastern DC area, which is an issue cuz I can't get to the radio station for the main quest.

Yeah, because the last thing you try usually prevents you from tryin again. :p

I bought Bioshock off of Steam yesterday... haven't started playing it yet.
I don't know if anyone has seen, but Steam is having a massive after Christmas sale... I got Bioshock for only $5. Every single item is on sale, and most have been marked down pretty significantly.

$5 is what my friend payed for it from a malaysian pirate.
Say what you will about Bioshock, but I enjoyed it immensely, particularly the steampunk feel of it. Left 4 Dead is tons of fun too. As long as it's been since it was released, still love Portal to death.
Going to try out Fallout 3 to see what all the fuss is about. Don't worry, if I like it I'll buy it ;)
Got fallout 3 working. This game is awesome. Now I must prevent it from crashing every 10 seconds. It crashes every time I go into the eastern DC area, which is an issue cuz I can't get to the radio station for the main quest.
Try turning all the autosave features off, and don't use/load quicksaves Worked for me.

Has anyone played Guild Wars? I'm getting bored of Diablo 2 online again and need a new online game to play.
It's been out for years though hasn't it? I heard it was more focused on PvP then other RPGs so it intrigued me. Can anyone else give me any insight on this?