Gamers Thread

The towns of Morrowind each had such a distinct look.
This is where you can't pull this shit anymore. I admit that there were I think three or four different architectural styles, and yeah, I loved them, Balmora and Vivec and Ebonheart were fucking epic.
But Oblivion has 8 different towns each with their own distinct architectural style, plus the Oblivion stuff.

I liked the atmosphere and architecture of the buildings there as well, very dark and creepy and ripped straight from the Lord of the Rings movies
Yeah. It was awesome.

The Plain of Oblivion.
Are you really that stupid?
I guess you failed basic geometry then.

1   /pleɪn/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pleyn] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, adjective, verb, planed, plan⋅ing.
1. a flat or level surface.
2. Geometry. a surface generated by a straight line moving at a constant velocity with respect to a fixed point.
3. Fine Arts. an area of a two-dimensional surface having determinate extension and spatial direction or position: oblique plane; horizontal plane.
4. a level of dignity, character, existence, development, or the like: a high moral plane.
5. Aeronautics.
a. an airplane or a hydroplane: to take a plane to Dallas.
b. a thin, flat or curved, extended section of an airplane or a hydroplane, affording a supporting surface.

None of this includes the usage employed here, but the word plane has many uses.
Anyhow, here it's being used to refer to another plane of existence. If you've never heard that phrase you need to read more fantasy.
This is where you can't pull this shit anymore. I admit that there were I think three or four different architectural styles, and yeah, I loved them, Balmora and Vivec and Ebonheart were fucking epic.
But Oblivion has 8 different towns each with their own distinct architectural style, plus the Oblivion stuff.
Most of them generic towns. Whereas in Morrowind, you have the husks of Ald'Ruhn, the bonemold of Balmora, cantons of Vivec, the Imperial stone of Ebonheart, the dinky villages along the western coast, MUSHROOM TOWERS, daedric ruins, ashlander camps, Solstheim, and several other things I'm probably missing. Now, I think that's well more than 4, and maybe even 8. Just admit it, Oblivion is painfully generic.
Finished Fallout 3. Amazing. Best game I have played in a while. Going back and exploring the world, finding new shit etc.

Also forgot to mention I played through Shadow of The Colossus last week. That game was great too.
Most of them generic towns. Whereas in Morrowind, you have the husks of Ald'Ruhn, the bonemold of Balmora, cantons of Vivec, the Imperial stone of Ebonheart, the dinky villages along the western coast, MUSHROOM TOWERS, daedric ruins, ashlander camps, Solstheim, and several other things I'm probably missing. Now, I think that's well more than 4, and maybe even 8. Just admit it, Oblivion is painfully generic.
Tbh Ald'Ruhn is fugly and irritating, Vivec is cool and huge but also the same thing over and over again, Ebonheart is just fucking awesome, the dinky villages all look the same, the Mushroom towers also all look the same and are annoying, and I didn't realize we were including pretty much anything, in which case I should mention Oblivion's 3 types of generic dungeons, namely caves/mines, ruins, and dungeony shit.

As far as the places being generic...this is all really generic fantasy stuff, there's not much that's like "OH MY GOD I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT!" Oblivion's towns resemble real towns more, though. Although the massive walls thing is lame.

Finished Fallout 3. Amazing. Best game I have played in a while. Going back and exploring the world, finding new shit etc.
I can't get mine working. Fuck piracy. More trouble than it's worth.
Fuck piracy indeed.

I don't really want to start a debate here, but I think it is a bad sign that people these days seem to have no qualms whatsoever over what is essentially stealing, be it movies, games, music, whatever.
I want to play the new Prince of Persia simply becasue of how damn good the game looks. even if the gameplay was a letdown, the game is gorgeous.
Ya, it is supposed to be more of an experience than a challenge. I don't mind that though. I think I am going to rent it. Don't feel like buying a $60 game I will finish in 8 hours now that I am possibly out of work until feb. 1st.
Picked up Mass effect for PC for a fiver in Zavvi recently (they've just gone bust, clearance sale ftw!) Loving the mixture of kinda fps with rpg so far. Slightly worried the main storyline will end too soon, and there doesn't seem to be a huge incentive to do side missions and get extra xp since I've nearly maxed all the useful talents as far as I can tell

Nothing beats Bioware for an awesome story RPG though... Lets hope they can pull something special for SW:TOR