Gamers Thread

btw I like JRPGs, as I'm a ridiculously huge fan of Final Fantasy 5, 6, 7 and to an extent 9.

Oh, I don't have a frame of reference with Final Fantasy, since I only completed XII and played VII (I think it was VII) on the PC many years ago. I'll be sure to pick up another FF game once I finish X.
Oh, I don't have a frame of reference with Final Fantasy, since I only completed XII and played VII (I think it was VII) on the PC many years ago. I'll be sure to pick up another FF game once I finish X.
Here's my two cents, try VI next, IMO it's the best of the FFs.
I need to stop. I've played about 80 hours between 2 characters. This is despite the fact that the game crashes more than the Fong Wah and is so bugged that certain quests cannot be completed (like I can't talk to Mr. Burke or the talking tree in Oasis without crashing).

I really love the atmosphere and environment. It's an amazingly convincing world considering that it's absolutely ridiculous in a lot of ways. They tried to do the post-apocalyptic version of the 50's vision of the future but they did it really half-assed so that it doesn't really work. Also, it's completely implausible that it's really been 200 years. Etc. And yet the world is still amazing. Also, the dark humor is definitely present. A lot of people complain about the game lacking the humor of past games, so I'm guessing they were full of jokes...

One thing; a lot of previews and stuff I read said the game would present moral choices that would be genuinely disturbing, yet I didn't really encounter these. There were iirc three things I did that made me feel like an asshole, namely enslaving Bumble, blowing up Megaton, and choosing to kill Garza instead of giving him stimpacks or buffout.
I mean, I didn't feel great about just killing random innocents, but the designers didn't really present me with many really shocking choices.
I really loved the combat, but melee got totally shafted. In such a broken down world, you'd expect ammo to be way rarer and melee to be a necessity rather than a shitty option you can pick if you want to get shot a lot, but every punkass raider you encounter unloads clip after clip from assault rifles and smgs like they're sitting on an armory.
The combat was stupidly difficult even on normal, and the physics and animations suck terribly.
The combat was stupidly difficult even on normal, and the physics and animations suck terribly.
The combat was mind-blowingly easy. With my small-arms oriented character I blew past pretty much anything and even with a melee character I killed a super mutant master at level 3. The thing is that you can't really use guns outside of VATS unless you feel like missing a lot. That pissed me off.
The animations were bad, especially when people were talking. Docter Li, for example, was very well voice acted, but seeing her talking with Lyons at the citadel was painful...

Not to mention the ending. I felt cheated that something that was good up until that point just sacrificed all quality right at the end.

Tbh the game's not about the ending, but yeah. Liberty Prime felt like a joke, and the ending was weird. Also, it felt like the main story was really short. You can beat it in an hour or two if your character has leveled up some.
My main gripe with the game aside from the weak RPG elements is the setting itself. It's just too monotonous and alienating. Bethesda coul've made the environment more interactive. AS it stands, I don't even want to revisit that drab post-apocalyptic world. Exploring one smoldering ruin after another(abandoned factories, derelict shops, power and metro stations-- they all look the same) just isn't fun.
It was fun to begin with, but it got pretty tedious after a while. Having to fight the same enemies over and over gets really boring, fast. And chasing the robot was lame. I was expecting a massive fight, but I think I came across maybe three or four guys in that whole sequence.

On another note, I'm playing Bioshock again and that definitely has replay value. I think they did the "retro/futuristic" world much better than Fallout 3 did.
On another note, I'm playing Bioshock again and that definitely has replay value. I think they did the "retro/futuristic" world much better than Fallout 3 did.
Don't you mean "post-apocalyptice/50s"?

Anyways, I'm going to do just as I did with Oblivion, which I was much more disappointed with, and just wait for a bunch of quest mods to come out, that would probably be better designed than anything Bethesda could do.