Gamers Thread

Woah woah woah stop the thread. FF X for the for the first time? This is unexceptable on many levels. Your missing out on one of the most amazing games in several years!
I loved FF XII, so I decided to get this one as well, and although I haven't progressed far into the game (got sidetracked with Burnout), it definitely seems promising.
I've played Final Fantasy I to IX and I like them all to some extent. I wish I had a PS2 so I could play X & XII.
I thought FFX lacked something, it was like you didn't give a shit about the characters or the story. And Tidus was the biggest fag to ever have the main role in a FF game.
No way, fuck you!

FFXII might have bad characters but that isn't the point of the game, the point is the story. Think of it as watching history unfold instead of a series of events that follow a character and/or group of characters. It is very much a history book type game.
I don't want to play a game with a "good story" if the characters making up the story are 2 dimensional and shitty. That and the overdrive system whatever it was called was retarded, why the fuck can Vaan shoot lasers, why can Basch shoot darkness, stupid as hell. gtfo.
I don't care about a story in a game unless it is unbelievably shitty. If I want a story I watch a movie or read a book.
Why the hell can Barret shoot a laser out of an arm grafted Gatling gun? Why the hell can Zell run around the world at the speed of light and cause a huge explosion with his fists? Why the hell can Zidane shoot out a "wave" of fire?
@V5, Ah, maybe you're just not a fan of JRPGs. Granted, I enjoyed Dragon Quest VIII more than FF XII, but I can't find many flaws with the latter other than the somewhat confusing story, and the cumbersome license system. It's true that the game is not focused on the characters, but that didn't matter to me. I was sucked into that rich colorful world right from the get go. When you get down right to the gist of it, you're not doing much in the game other than going around killing monsters, collecting loot, acquiring espers, hunting marks, but that was a very rewarding experience for me. I'm a sucker for huge fantasy worlds filled with stuff. :cool:

And I loved the quickenings system, even if it was mostly just for show.
I don't care about a story in a game unless it is unbelievably shitty. If I want a story I watch a movie or read a book.
Story is a pretty essential element for a good game, you're missing out on a whole lot if you don't pay attention. Unless, you know, only play the vapid excuses for games that are coming out now.
I said unless it is unbelievably shitty. I didn't say I didn't care about story at all in a game.
btw I like JRPGs, as I'm a ridiculously huge fan of Final Fantasy 5, 6, 7 and to an extent 9. 10 was kind of fun, but the story sucked (then again the story of 5 was awful too, just a really fun game) and 12 was good until I realized I didn't care about the characters at all.
I thought the story to X was excellent, tbh. That's why I loved it. I also loved the battle system being more tactical and turn-based rather than quick action like VIII, XII, and to an extent VII.
Tbh, I think VII was incredibly overrated. I liked it, but the story line just wasn't that engrossing.
Also, Seymour was a better and less bitchier villain than Sephiroth.

edit: also, Tidus looked like a chick, but that's just the Japanese. He didn't act like a chick... Vaan... now that guy was a little bitch.
Funny thing about most Japanese games, all the characters are white. I can't think of many Japanese games with asian looking characters. Same thing with anime and manga by the way.
Brock from pokemon looks asian.
