Gamers Thread

I haven't bought a game brand new a $60/50 in a year or two. Patience in this case saves me quite a bit $$$, the downside is the multiplayer may or may not die down, but I doubt with BFBC2 it will.
Yeah, the only 2 games I really want right now/soon is Madden 11 and Red Dead Redemption. Paying full price for games with no multiplayer interest is retarded.
While I would make a poor gunslinger, I feel I would fit right in the iconic Oregon-Trail-family-man image in the appropriate era. Little House On The Praire type bullshit.

They need a deeper, modern version of Oregon Trail. Where you don't just have to make it to the West Coast, but have to find a spot to stake a claim, build the house/ farm, etc.
Dak: Well, without spoiling much/anything, the main motif/enemy is that the government fucking sucks a lot, and a lot of what your main character is doing is trying to just get back to a normal family life which got ruined by the government.
I haven't bought a game brand new a $60/50 in a year or two. Patience in this case saves me quite a bit $$$, the downside is the multiplayer may or may not die down, but I doubt with BFBC2 it will.

Yeah, probably not. But I didn't feel like waiting much longer.

Still have to wait for it to download though.
Dak: Well, without spoiling much/anything, the main motif/enemy is that the government fucking sucks a lot, and a lot of what your main character is doing is trying to just get back to a normal family life which got ruined by the government.

:lol: Well I guess it makes sense then. Does that make it ironic that I was a gov't employee (technically still under contract) and my wife still is?
MLB 2K10 is fun. I made my own team with a name inspired by watching "Until the Light Takes Us" the other day.


I won the game 9 to 0.