Gamers Thread

I love my PC and the fact that I can customize the shit out of it. I know I will have enough money to keep doing it too and have a good social life.

I also like the quicker loading times and the better graphics. But I also hate the fact that I can't play some games on it. But oh well.
The only reason to own a console is for the exclusives they have and the best genre consoles use to have (platformers) have died down quite a bit in the past five years.
Anyone else played/playing The Witcher 2? I thought the first one was dogshit, but this is great. The combat is much better, the dialogue and tone are more subtle, the choices are more meaningful and less obvious, and the graphics are of course a million times better.
It is pretty hard, though. Playing on normal I got stuck on Letho. Had to turn the difficulty down for that which point I discovered that easy mode is basically Baby's First Videogame. Infinite-combo'd the son of a bitch in about 5 seconds.

My only major complaint is that while the combat is a lot better, it's still not particularly good. I'd call it serviceable.
I think it's awesome and I need to pick it up again. I never got really far because I got distracted by other projects I had to do. I know how you feel about the combat system though, I was stuck on Letho for awhile but I managed to kill him. Mind you, I tend to play games on the hardest setting straight off the bat. Why? I don't really know lol...
So I finally got around to Portal 2. And it's awesome. Except.

Loading screens? Really, Valve? You were my fucking heroes. You were the streaming gods looming over the mass of game-flow-breaking peasants. And now...not just loading screens, but loading screens every 20 seconds.

Please...let things be the way they used to be.

Seriously, the game is great, looks pretty good, plays fantastically, damn funny. But the loading screens actually do break the flow of gameplay at some points, especially the chase scenes.
I've been playing the BF3 beta and I have to say that it looks like it'll be a great game. Really like the effects with the flashlights and lazers. The jump animation is pretty cool too.

Graphics are a wee bit glitchy, but it is a beta so hopefully they smooth it out before the game is released and don't go the "Oh we'll patch that shit later" route.

Nice to see the game start to go back to it's PC roots and away from the whole bad company thing.
Yep, loving it at the moment. I'm playing it while taking breaks from my uni work. My only complaints are that settings can only be changed in-game, I think that's a stupid idea. They also should've chucked Caspian Border on as the demo map, Metro doesn't have the same feel as every other BF game. Either way though, I can't wait for this release. :D
It took me until just yesterday to finally get Rage working on my pc. Anyway, my first thoughts are that it's a really fun game and I can't wait to play the shit out of it.

Graphics are good, weapons are fun to shoot, overall feels like a solid game; just wish they would have made it less buggy when they released it.
The release of Rage for the PC is shameful. Not only is it absurdly large in terms of file size, but the game's graphics don't work on a large portion of cards out of the box. The fix makes it work better, but there's still tons of glitching and screen tearing. Beyond that, there's absolutely no control over graphics settings besides resolution. Fuck you so much, Carmack.

That said, the game itself is solid, but definitely repetitive.
I couldn't get it to boot and gave up for the time being. Installed the patches etc.

This is where my only complaints about consoles come in...where games that would be so much more proficient on PC are left in the programming dust so they can round out the other versions.
looks amazing, will definitely get it on ps3 soon
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I beat Rage. Which wasn't very hard. Because at the end they steal directly from Half-Life 2 by giving you a horrifically overpowered weapon and sending you into the mysterious shadowy high-tech government's super-secret doom-fortress. I spent about 15-30 minutes plowing through crowds of mutants with a minigun that shoots ass-rape and then boom. That was it. Game over. Humanity is saved. No new enemies (just a reskin), no major revelations, NO FUCKING FINAL BOSS.
Rage honestly might have the weakest story in any game ever. I mean, your character has absolutely no motivation to do pretty much anything that you do, and the plot basically consists of "Authority bad. Destory authority with ass-rape minigun." I'm sorry, but I refuse to accept "it's just a game" as an excuse for a shitty story. If you want to make a game that arguably has no story, that's one thing. But if you're making me sit through briefings and read text and basically experience something like a story, then make it non-shitty.

Rage is basically fun for an hour or two and then the gameplay gets repetitive and you realize you don't care about anything that's happening. Bad game. Great engine. Poorly optimized for PC. Fuck you, Carmack.

I do have to say that the AI for the ranged enemies was quite good. They take cover intelligently, change cover when you've got them zeroed in or flanked, blindfire when suppressed, and sort-of work as a team. They also animate really well. Gotta commend id on that.
so Arkham City is awesome as expected. the open world is dark and beautiful and the combat is sweet.

also got Space Marines (Gears of War clone... all i can get on the PS3 but it's pretty good)
i prefer 3rd person action games with a gamepad do you have a pc gamepad?