Gamers Thread

The third act of Human Revolution does honestly feel unfinished. There's no resolution to Jensen's investigation into his past, it just trails off. There's no conversation between Jensen and Reed.

Also, all those boss fights...the enemies are never explained or given personalities. They were cool and exactly the sort of enemies you should have been fighting all along (only way too hard to kill) and yet the only thing that makes them special is they have names. It'd be cool to know more about them.

A few other things...first off, it's stated that only Zhao and her personal guards are allowed on her floor. And yet there are offices there. WTF is that about. Also, you go to a secret base under Picus Montreal and there are offices. Enough fucking offices, damn it.
Half of Deus Ex HR's problems stem from the fact that there was supplementary material outside of the game world (take for instance, the Tyrants (the three bosses, plus a few more augmented individuals who make up the hit squad for the Illuminati), they were fleshed out far more in a side comic that was released just before the game - but how many people knew about it?

The end of the game as far as I'm concerned is incomplete. The devs have mentioned quite a bit of stuff they had to remove due to time constraints (including Montreal as an actual city hub). Plus some stuff got shifted around quite a bit. Take for instance the first boss Barret. Initially it looked as if you were supposed to fight him on the Hengsha docks (old trailer footage before the games release), however in game that idea was scrapped for that warehouse.
Also, [ S P O I L E R] Jensons mysterious survival of the rocket crash into the arctic is never explained. He hits the water in a ship which should have destroyed everything, and then magically he is on Panchea. Seems like they removed an entire segment just to get him on ground again. [ S P O I L E R]

I wish the game was more interactive, and had more npc's, and honestly I felt that they could have explored the trans-human elements quite a bit more. Still though, it was a very fun game.
The video game industry is commercializing too much, and I kind of blame the Americans, even though the Japanese are also guilty of it. I heard that there are going to be three or four more Halo games, and Nintendo recently made more Mario and Zelda games. While I love Legend of Zelda games, I'd rather see a new series. The majority of gamers it seems, regardless of their supplier of choice, seem to be looking for familiarity rather than new ways to have fun. They're looking for more of their old favorites, and it's locking the market into this limbo where few new series ever get much publicity during development or after release.
Yeah, I remember the trailer with Barret on the fact, I think some previewers played that section. I remember a few more things from the trailers that didn't make it into the game.

And yeah, I noticed that too with Pangea. It was somewhat jarring. I mean, I have no problem believing Jensen would survive the crash (it is landing in the water, after all) and possibly have an implanted rebreather and easily swim up and get onto the platform...but god damn it, they needed to show that.

Montreal as a city hub would have been great. Considering how long the game's been in development for, I would have been willing to wait another year for the game to be finished.

Again, though, as is it's still fucking great.

Oh, another thing...while at the Ranch in Singapore you repeatedly overhear guards mentioning that Darrow owns the place, and yet when someone else reveals that to you it's apparently shocking.
The end of the game as far as I'm concerned is incomplete. The devs have mentioned quite a bit of stuff they had to remove due to time constraints (including Montreal as an actual city hub). Plus some stuff got shifted around quite a bit. Take for instance the first boss Barret. Initially it looked as if you were supposed to fight him on the Hengsha docks (old trailer footage before the games release), however in game that idea was scrapped for that warehouse.

But the thing is, DX had a lot of stuff cut as well (moon base, Texas missions, etc.) but the cuts were made with such care that for the most part, it didn't feel like anything was missing. (the biggest thing I thought really felt missing was the branching plotline where you side with UNATCO.)
The video game industry is commercializing too much, and I kind of blame the Americans, even though the Japanese are also guilty of it. I heard that there are going to be three or four more Halo games, and Nintendo recently made more Mario and Zelda games. While I love Legend of Zelda games, I'd rather see a new series. The majority of gamers it seems, regardless of their supplier of choice, seem to be looking for familiarity rather than new ways to have fun. They're looking for more of their old favorites, and it's locking the market into this limbo where few new series ever get much publicity during development or after release.

The biggest problem right now is that there is there are too many FPS games that are trying to be realistic while in reality (compared to games like Arma) they play like an arcade FPS just a lot more casualized.
That's the thing with consoles... the PC game market, especially due to Steam distribution, I feel is encouraging independent studios. I can't count how many awesome titles I've bought on steam recently for under $15.
Speaking of ArmA...I downloaded ArmA 2...couldn't figure out how to play it. I eventually puzzled out how to look down my sights and change to my sidearm, but I couldn't figure out how to take out my rocket launcher. Fuck me this game is complicated. On the other hand, I read part of a 120,000 word guide to the game and holy shit, if I can figure out how to play it this sounds like the closest you can come to being an actual soldier without getting actually shot.
That's the thing with consoles... the PC game market, especially due to Steam distribution, I feel is encouraging independent studios. I can't count how many awesome titles I've bought on steam recently for under $15.

It's still a problem for PC gaming. I mean sure, there are still plenty of good PC developers (and I'm sure console developers), but I mean just look at the latest Duke Nukem game. It had potential to be an awesome old school styled FPS but when it was released it ended up just being Call of Duke Nukem Modern Returns 4564.
So I've been playing League of Legends for just over a year now, and for some reason I only found out about the Songs of the Summoned contest about a week ago. For those that don't know what it is, people could submit fanmade LoL songs and win a bunch of shit. Unfortunately the contest just ended, but I got inspired regardless and have been hard at work making a couple of songs. So far I finished up my own theme songs for Lee Sin and Nocturne. Check em out, and thumb them up (or down) if you want. I've submitted them to the Summoners Showcase, so hopefully they will eventually show up there if they are deemed worthy enough.

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very nice, dude! the songs fit the characters pretty well. both could use an ass-kicking section with electric guitars though, kind of like "fuck yeah time to gank Teemo in the forest!".

i cant play either of those characters worth a shit though. if i'm gonna play melee dps, i like Jax or Xin Zhao cuz their damage is more burst-y and they need less micro.
This looks promising.

I never actuallt played the first two, as I was a little too young when they came out, but they're available for download on Xbox Live. Worth it?
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So yeah, I know this video might be old, but the animations of the soldiers, weapons and ESPECIALLY THE C4 are fucking amazing.

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Since when did people give a fuck about how good C4 looked like?

Doesn't affect my opinion of the game, I just like the way the destruction looked like when he detonated it.

I lost hype for BF3 once I learned that you need to install Origin to play it. Fuck that shit.

I think the main reason for that is it stops people from making more then 1 account. That's what I've heard anyways. but whatever.