These people are the epitome of what I described. As I said, heaven forbid they play a game that lasts longer than an hour. These kind of "gamers" are the reason I for the most part, stopped playing games, of any medium. I play the occasional Magic game, I rock Diablo II every now and then (oh no, another "tedious", "grindy" game), I'm thinking about starting Skyrim, but that's about it.
The modern video game generation is spoiled, and lacks a frame of reference for what truly constitutes good gaming. Games that challenge the mind, are labelled "tedious", and games that take time are labelled "boring". It saddens me immensely.
The people on this other board are the same people that defend modern Magic, because the game has, in the past four years, been sped up due to rampant power creep. Hence the "lack of frame of reference".
Bottom line, Monopoly is a drawn-out game, yes, but not tedious. If you think Monopoly is "tedious", you've probably been playing it wrong.